What Sci Fi character are you?

I’m apparently a Marcus Cole. Do I get to have one of those switchblade-cudgel thingies?


James T. Kirk.

hangs head in shame

I’m Galadriel. I guess that’s cool.

My [clone](<p><a href=“Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?”><img src=“http://www.tk421.net/character/kirk.jpg” width=“265” height=“197” style=“border-color:#f8f8ff;” border=“2” alt=“Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?” /></a></p>)! Duel to the death!

I’m Worf. Be afraid.
I was hoping for Data.

Raistlin Majere

“An intensely private individual that chooses actions with care, you strive to further your own skills and powers”

Never heard of the guy but the discription seems to fit so I’m happy. Plus I’m the only one. :smiley:

I’m James T Kirk, which is weird because I’m much taller than that.

I did. It seems we are very rare.

Another Harry Potter, here.

I got Agent Smith.


Ditto, third Elrond here.

Raistlin? You’re Raistlin?

He’s a character from the DragonLance series. There’s two trilogies. The first set is Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Dragons of Winter Night, Dragons of Spring Dawning. Then there’s the second set, War of the Twins.

Pretty decent stories too, by Weis and Hickman. Keep an eye out for them. Raistlin is, to say the least, complicated. :wink:

I wonder what it’d take to get Susan Ivanova…

Jean-Luc Picard

Coarry on

(Seeing as how I’m supposed to be Marcus…)
I’ve often wondered that myself.

I’ll skip the quiz and make a more honest assessment: Tom Servo.

I’m Quark, only like 3000 of us Quarkies.

Who is he? He looks sneaky.

“We are all Kosh.”

Except me. I’m Agent Smith :eek:

Another Yoda checking in.