What seemingly innocuous things can you just NOT look at?

Someone upthread mentioned seeing someone touch their eyeballs. I agree. Not only can I not have contact lenses (cuz then I would have to touch my eyeballs!!!) but I can’t even watch my husband put his in!

Another thing, I have no idea what it’s about, is ‘computerized’ voices saying numbers. I call businesses (say, the gas company) and a computerized voice says “For residential service, press ‘one’ now”. That’s OK. But when it gets to the point where the ask me to input my account number, and then ‘read’ it back to me (“You have entered three-three-five-nine-six-zero-nine-four”), it is panic-attack-inducing. Truly.

I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this before, but those inflateable stick men they use to attract attention to stores and auto dealerships along the highway. The way they flop around and wave their…appendages freaks me right the hell out.

People I don’t know well (and even some that I do) touching me. In any way. In her later years, my mother insisted on getting all huggy with me whenever I would visit. I feel terrible about this, but I found it almost unbearably uncomfortable.

OTOH, I love having my ears folded forward when I’m getting a haircut, so I guess I’d better stay out of the OP’s way.

Chimp feet. They’re so creepy.

Yeah…but like spiders, I don’t think those belong in a thread about seemingly innocuous things. They’re practically designed to inflict trauma on you.

I’ve never seen an inflatable stick man. Is thisan example?

I have real problems with anything in a large costume, i.e. mascots. I’m afraid that if I make eye contact, they will come over to me, and that will freak me right out. Because you can’t see where the person is looking under the fake googly eyes, and their costume is probably filthy and sweaty and disgusting with the germs of 20,000 kids, and they tend to grab and hug you without warning, and they’re really hard to get rid of. I hate mascots. My parents told me I was skittish around them as a small child and apparently I’ve never grown out of it. Whenever I’m at a baseball game, for example, and Wally the Green Monster or the Oriole Bird comes around, I avert my eyes and either leave my seat if they’re coming close or veer to the other side of the concourse.

I hate when people (usually kids) turn their eye lids inside out

Pictures. commercials or threads/stories about animal abuse. That fucking commercial with the woman singing that goes on for about 10 fucking minutes makes me change the channel. If I am in a bar or someones house where it is going on and I cant change the channel I leave the room and put in the earbuds of my ipod and crank the music so i cant hear the voice over.

This from a person who sat eating spaghetti and meatballs while watching faces of death … and has attended autopsies.

Sort of. Most of them don’t have legs. Imagine a snake with arms, a terrifying grin, and a stupid hat.

Migrating tent caterpillars.

You need to drive very carefully down a highway covered with them, and their crushed bodies have the most ugh-some odor.

The remains are a green greasy mushy trail, quickly covered by the millions of others marching. Oh, and the spray? It coats the wheel wells of your vehicle, the tires and everything else that it splashes, including getting bits on you when you wash it off. You get to smell it all over again.

Want photos?

Migrating tent caterpillars do not count as ‘innocuous everyday things’, they are full-out GROSS things that squick people out!

Well now I do want to see a picture! I googled them and they don’t look any worse than any other caterpillar so I’m curious what is so gross about them. Seriously can’t be worse than those hideous Jerusalem crickets! Those things are frigg’n aliens, I swear!

I don’t know if it’s ‘seemingly innocuous’ enough, but seeing stray hairs sometimes makes me want to bring up the bacon.

A stray hair in the sink: Ew.

A stray hair on the outside of the milk carton: Double Ew.

A stray hair on any piece of food: Call 911.

Monty Python’s Pantomime Real Person used to really creep me out. I am another one who hates gum-chewing. I can barely look at an anchor as seen through water (it’s fine above water or on land)–this used to be nearly phobic for me when I was younger (near a swim raft, etc.–must be traditional anchor shape), now it just gives me the shivers. Maybe I drowned in a past life and that was the last thing I saw before lights-out. Brrr.

OTC, I always look, because they are about 100% female, usually youngish and petite. Yes, feet are a thing of mine.

Now if you see a driver’s feet on the dash, GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY.

The proper term is Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tube Men.

Infants creep me out like nobody’s business. Probably because of their tiny size and disproportionate features. After they are around a year old, they are tolerable to look at (just barely).

Women putting on stockings. No logical reason, but just feels weird. Especially if the stockings are flesh colored.

Not looking but hearing - I cannot STAND to hear people eat really, really hard things. I have a coworker who’s always eating God knows what behind me, some kind of coated peanuts maybe, but it sounds like she’s breaking her teeth into little pieces and swallowing them.

Heh. I used to buy things like butter toffee peanuts to take to the movie theater when we went to the movies. Turns out that the sound of me chewing these things makes my hubby all stabby. So I can only eat them when he’s not around.

OTOH, it bothers him not at all to stick his fingers into his eyes a couple of times a day to install/remove his contact lenses. Go figure.

Obligatory xkcd link