What I want to make is photographs and then accompanying images where objects/people in the photo are outlined and each figure has a number so I can type a numbered list of who/what is in each photo.
In my head I thought this was called a legend, a key so you can figure out who is where. Searching for that didn’t get me very far.
I don’t know that there is a built in tool or even a third party tool that will do this (thought there might be some that help).
What you might want to try is using the line tool (which is a vector tool) to outline your subjects then use the text tool to type in the number. You could do this on a separate layer which you can turn on and off.
I’m with Kinthalis. If you’re searching for an automated or even semi-automated way to achieve this result, then I think you’re looking for something that doesn’t exist. In fact, I think you’re looking for something that can’t exist.
You just have to create it by hand. Create a new layer over your image. Create the outlines you want using a fairly thick line, add a solid or neutral fill, type numbers where you want them.
One thought - this might actually be easier to do using an old-fashioned approach than using software. Print out your image. Stick a sheet of clear acetate over it, and keep them aligned. Take a marker pen that can write on acetate. Draw the outlines you want (this is easier by hand than it is in Photoshop). Having drawn all the outlines, put the acetate by itself on a sheet of white paper and scan this. Then finish off in Photoshop (boost the contrast, tidy up any flaws or flubs) if you need the image as a digital file. You can add the numbers either at the by-hand stage or the Photoshop stage.
Thank you. I can admit here since you don’t know who I am that my photoshop knowledge is so nonexistent that “try the line tool” is exactly what I need.
The acetate method might be easier for me to master, and will certainly be adequate for this project.