What should I get Kim Kardashian for her wedding?

Get her a helium filled balloon. She’ll know what to do.

David Gest. That guy is a real piece of work. I see him fairly often in my neighborhood. Last time at Kinko’s where he was verbally assaulting his poor assistant while trying to ship these enormous boxes.

Let’s see… die or live and have to watch my daughters whore themselves out…
Die or live and have to watch my daughters whore themselves out…

Hold on, I’m still thinking…

My first thought was penecillin…

Apparently they don’t want one.

How about a pair of fuzzy dice to hang from the rear-view mirror of her Hideki-class attack craft?

How many goddamn dinner plates does this woman need?

To be fair, she did start a business of some sort as a “celebrity closet organizer” before she was famous.

I wish I was invited to this wedding. A hilarious prank could be pulled by marking down all the gifts as ‘purchased’ and then getting them cheap alternative versions of what they wanted. Instead of napkins that cost $30, they can have a stack of 100 from Target for $2. Instead of a thousand dollar vase, a cheap plastic one from the mall. Silverware will be replaced with plastic forks taken from fast food places, and the $1650 coffee pot will be replaced by Mr. Coffee! :smiley:

Thanks for nothin’. I need your address so I can send the invoices for the brain bleach.

This. If I’m a super wealthy person, my family is also super wealthy, my friends are super wealthy, my step family (related to a famous, Olympic athlete- my step dad) is super wealthy, and even my family friends are super wealthy (remember: dad was a famous lawyer for OJ). . . why would I register at Kmart? In fairness, I read an article that did say Kim and what’s his face are also registering at William Sonoma, so clearly they are going to have some lower end stuff on there, too.

And in Khloe and Lamar’s defense (if there is one), I can actually speak to that a bit since I do enjoy my trash tv and watch all these Kardashian shoes (that’s right: it’s me, I’m keeping them on TV. Sorry!). On the episode where Khloe was going to do her wedding registry, her mom took her to all kinds of fancy, high end stores, and Khloe was horrified that her mom was asking her to register for things like amber tigers, thousand dollar china, etc. Her mom went through and did it for her, then a big fight ensued.

Though Kim seems like the type of person who would earnestly register for these things, much like her awful mother. The other two sisters seem far more normal, even with their fancy cars, houses, and purchases.

Brain bleach? I mean, sure, I can see not being a fan of Kim’s personality, but I’m 99% sure nobody was watching that tape for her personality. She’s a beautiful woman, particularly then, because it was before she fucked up her face with surgery.

I still have no fucking idea who these Kardasshians are, and I prefer to remain ignorant, thankyouverymuch.

Bra-vo. golf clap That’ll show those spoonheads what’s what.

I would try to find her a set of butcher knives once owned by OJ. Call me a sentimental fool.

I never knew a single vegetable spoon could cost $1,250.

Talk about being born with a silver spoon…

LOL @ Boyo Jim.

Here I was thinking permanent birth control but Jim nailed it.

A boxful of fuckall… she has $$$$$ so she can buy herself a present.

Ugly though they may be, they are the very finest ass napkins obtainable.

Buy her a tube of KY Jelly and put super glue inside. That should liven up the honeymoon.

I don’t know why, but I LOATHE this family. But I give Paris Hilton the time of day, so I’m a hypocrite. To be fair to myself, I can understand why Paris is famous, but the whole Kardashian clan? They are the richest white trash I’ve ever seen.

This family reminds me of a pack of gypsies. The overly made up faces, the flashy clothes and jewelry, etc.