What should I name my baby girl?

Eden? You want to name your daughter after a mythical garden from which humans have been banished forever and is guarded by angels with flaming swords?

Eden is climbing right up there with Nevaeh (heaven spelled backwards [insert retching emoticon]) I voted for Madeleine, but both Olive and Eloise where right up there. Their are too many Madeleine’s and Olivia’s anyhow.

The old-timey one that I’ve long admired, but am forbidden to use, is from Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!, Eulalia (you-LALE-ee-uh). I love the way it rolls off the tongue. Anyone, feel free to take it. As I’m not allowed to use it, I will more than likely waste it on a beagle.

We’re going with Eloise if our fetus turns out to be a girl (5 weeks to go). I had Eloise in my top 3 last time too, with Alice and Annabel, and went with the latter.

I like both Olivia and Eva, but given the current upsurge in Olivias would go with Eva; less likely to end up being Eva-Three in class. But, would Eve be a better spelling?

I like Eloise and Madeleine but I didn’t vote because I think the way a forename goes with the surname is also important and we don’t know that.

HAAAAAAAAAAAA…congratulations Caz, I didn’t know you were with kidling again! It just seems like yesterday that your little Annabel arrived, but yeah, time goes fast etc etc.

Hey, I hope everything goes swimmingly with your new bub’s arrival. And Eloise is a really grand name. It seems to be different in the US, but here it’s not regarded as an old fashioned name, so yer’ good to go!! You can always call her Alouisis if she’s a boy I guess. :smiley:

All the best, OK?


It’s weird how names rise and fall in popularity. The most common names when I was growing up aren’t even on the radar these days, even classic names like Sarah, Stephen, Catherine, and David.

I’d try really hard for a pretty, classic name that has lost recent popularity. Something like Anne, or Michelle, or Lisa.

Anyways, off your list I vote Eloise.

From your list I would go for Eva or Olivia (but certainly not Olive - amazing how changing the ending of the name slightly turns it from a pretty girl’s name to a moustachioed old lady’s name!).

However, a lot depends on what her surname will be. A lot of names that I like on their own, I will have to discount for my children because they sound awkward next to my surname. (It starts and ends with a hard consonant, plus I think having first name and surname start with the same letter/sound is kind of odd, which unfortunately rules out a lot of names I like that start with a K or a hard C.)

Oh and one thing to watch out for with Eva is how you want people to pronounce it. Like EEE-va or AYY-va? It will probably cause confusion.

Thanks for asking this nice and early. My new niece is almost a week old and is still nameless. It’s driving me crazy! (they don’t want to make the wrong decision. They’ve had 9 months to think about it…)

I’d normally take into account the last name (surname) that will go along with it. But judging just by the first names I voted for Olivia, followed closely by Madeleine. Both are very pretty names.

She’s Denise, obviously. (And pray she never has a brother :wink: )

I voted for Eva (ee-vah - if you want it said ayy-vah, please named her Ava). Madeleine second place, although it is very popular right now.

I love Olivia but it’s been the most popular name for white girls and in the top 3 names for girls for about three years now… no one wants to be the 5th Olivia in their class. Olive is cute, but with all the Olivias around, might stick out in not the greatest way.

Eloise is also a cute name. Whatever you pick, I approve.

I vote Eden. It’s green and lovely and unusual.

There are too many Olivias already, have been for years. There will be three in her class.

I don’t trust Madeleines. I think it’s because the Gosselins have a daughter named Maddy who is a total pill.

Eh, I’m not a fan of most of those. They’re either too common (Olivia, Eva, Madeleine), too clunky (Olive), or pole-dancer (Eden).

I typed all of those into Nymbler.com and got the following suggestions:

Violet (my daughter’s middle name, so I had to include it!)

Check the popularity rankings for Ava and then reconsider Eva. She would just be a variation on many. A lovely name, but it’s the Kaitlyn of the 2000s.

So, people want religious names that…mean bad things? How about Lilith for the triumvirate?

I agree that Eden is a stripper/porn star name.

My vote is also for Spike. :slight_smile:

Eden a porn name? Nah, Eden is a soap opera name (Santa Barbara in the 80s). I thought it was pretty then, and it’s pretty now, so it got my vote. :slight_smile:

Olive was my mother’s sister’s name. She went by Ollie.

Of the names given, I like Madeleine best. I do tend to like feminine names with more syllables, for some reason.

Makes me think of Barbara Eden personally, although that’s a last name of course.

Oh, there’s quite a few these days who think that Lilith is a positive name.

Eden Doesn’t have any religious significance to us; we just like the way it sounds. Do you folks know actual porn stars/strippers named Eden?

And for those holding off on voting until you get my last name: Alton