What Should I Name My Turtles?

So, my wife calls me at work yesterday, and as soon as I answer, I know something is up. She’s talking to me in her “I did something I shouldn’t have, but you see, that’s ok because you love me so much” tone of voice.

She did (do something she shouldn’t have, that is).

And, I suppose, it is (ok).

She brought home two baby turtles.

<sigh>…ok, even though this really falls into the “things we should discuss first” area, I’m ok with it. They are pretty damn cute. Tiny guys – shells a little bigger than a quarter. And I’ve raised plenty of herps before (iguanas, chameleons, geckos). So, I did some species-specific research, got all the proper equipment for a nice, natural environment, and they seem to be doing well.

So, now all we need is names.

One of them is very active and fast (for a turtle). I’m leaning towards “Zippy”. Or, as a possibility, “Cecil” (no, not that Cecil, the turtle who always kicked Bugs Bunny’s ass when they would race). The other one is…well, very turtle-like. Doesn’t move much. And I have no idea what an appropriate name is. I wouldn’t mind calling him “Shelf-Life” to go along with “Zippy”, but my wife won’t go for that. Same with calling them “Dante” and “Randal”.

So, any suggestions for naming a pair of turtles?

Credit where it’s due, this was inspired by this thread.

How about “Speedy” & “Gonzales”? That’d only make sense if you’re an American between about 35 & 55.

For any slow-moving or lazy animal I like the name “Speed bump”. A friend had a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig when they were all the rage, and by far its best trick was snoozing in the driveway. Hence the pig’s name. So “Zippy” & “Speed bump” are a good pair of names for turtles.

If you or your wife are in the IT business you could call them “Broadband” & Modem", or “GigaHertz” & “KiloHertz”, or … well you get the idea.

Remember, Rocky Balboa named his pair of turtles Cuff and Link.

Of course, the obvious: Any two from Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo and Donatello.

Speed & Spridel.

Speedy & Shelldon.

Chase & Hyde.

asterix and obelix, of course!

I would suggest naming them after two different famous artists, and seeing who gets the joke.

Or maybe, find two euphonious commands from turtle logo?

Weebl and Bob

Hooray, I get to be the one who suggests:

Flo & Eddie!

Or you could call them by their other names, Howard and Mark.
Ya gotta be pretty old to get the reference here…

My kids named our two red-eared sliders(water turtles) Elvis and Eyebrow.

Mundane and Pointless, I know, but my 2 cp


Heeeey…maybe that’ll be our winners… :smiley:

Shredder and Master Splinter.

Name one of them Filbert (I’m nauseous, I’m nauseous).

Name the larger one Great A’Tuin and the smaller one Om.

(Actually, Om was a tortoise)

How about Crush and Squirt.

My old girlfriends kids found a tortoise on the road and called him Speed Bump.

I’ve always been fond of mythological names.

How about Loki and Thor?

And so it shall be (at least, we’re 95% sure of it). Thank you, LSLGuy, and thanks to everyone who gave their ideas!

I shit you not, when I was in the 6th grade, we named our 2 pet turtles Anthrax and Slayer.

…er I mean our class named our pet turtles…

Actually, I think you should call them Dave and Dave.