What sites did you find during the outage?

I found pretty much the whole anti-Wikipedia argument, at The Register, a frequent critic of the endeavor, as well as Wikitruth, a sort of wiki snark site, and of course Daniel Brandt’s Wikipedia Watch, which is an expression of his own vendetta with the site. A little paranoia exacerbated by the author referring to himself in the third person. I thought the Register’s articles had some pretty sharp criticisms of the site, while the wikitruth and wikiwatch were good for a laugh.

So what sites have you found? And what do you think of them?

I just got laid more.

This one:



Perusing porn sites isn’t getting laid, technically.

For some highly technical people, its the closest they can get though… :smiley:

I read this article, which pretty much blows the lid off why American music schools generally ignore American music.

I honestly didn’t realise there’d been an outage until I got back in this morning. I spent most of the weekend out shopping with hubby, playing Guild Wars and “We <heart> Katamari”

That was interesting. I’d always thought that “classical music” had some basis in the folk music of the area the compeoser came from, though. So I wouldn’t say “European upper class,” so much as “European.”

I just stared at the monitor and pressed “Refresh” over and over.

Here is a pro-wikipedia article.

I read a bunch of posts on the Becker-Posner Blog, and then decided to subscribe to it, seeing as it’s a fairly low-output blog, and I don’t have that much time for blog reading.

I MySpace-d and Drachillix made www.nursecynthia.com

Wasted hours of my life here…

Spent a lot of time on Pogo playing Dice City Rollers.

By the way, I just saw the sticky that said the hardware failure lasted only three hours, but I wasn’t able to get on at all this weekend. Anyone else have the same issue?