What Songs Make You "Tear Up"?

That’s the long “ea” up there, my fellow little heathens. :smiley:

For me it’s Happy Trails by Roy Rogers and Dale Evans.

When my Dad brought me and Mom and little bro to the States in 60, that was one of the first shows I watched. Hence my emotional attachment.

I also like the “Mr. Rogers Neighborhood” theme. He was my first American friend.

Sorry! Guess y’all thought I was “cool” huh?


If you mean ‘feel sad’ or ‘weep’ then for me it’s Bright Eyes.

Not now, but when I was a kid, watching watership down, that movie made me weep.

So did lassie.

“Dry Your Eyes” by the Streets, on the new A Grand Don’t Come for Free. Possibly the most emotionally honest breakup song ever.

Plus, PG’s “In Your Eyes” still gets me every time. And Bowie’s “Heroes.”

“Burning Bridges” by the Mike Curb Congregation

Not much music does that to me—I guess 'cos I’m a musician. However, the song that leaps to mind is the triumphant thematic restatement of the “Jesus Christ Superstar” number. You know, the instrumental bit right after the 39 Lashes where Pilate tells Christ “die if you want to, you misguided martyr!”

And I’m not even religious!

Depending on my mood, any number of songs can. The last one that I can remember getting a bit teary over was “Losing My Religion” by REM. I can all too easily identify with the emptiness of unrequited love.

But since 9/11 I can’t listen to Billy Joel’s “Miami 2017” . . .

I’ve seen the lights go out on Broadway–
I saw the ruins at my feet,
You know we almost didn’t notice it–
We’d see it all the time on Forty-Second Street.

You know those lights were bright on Broadway–
But that was so many years ago . . .
Before we all lived here in Florida–
Before the Mafia took over Mexico.
There are not many who remember–
They say a handful still survive . . .
To tell the world about
The way the lights went out,
And keep the memory alive . . .

You Again by Richard Shindell
Flashlights by Tracy McNeil

Boys 2 Men- “Mama”

I once worked nights making doughnuts, with a guy who liked, really liked, country music. I can take it or leave it, mostly leave. This guy would get to work early so he could select the station, and I didn’t argue, because it was better than Top 40’s music.

Two songs got to me, corny as they were. Don’t know the artists though.

The first one wasI’m Looking for Something in Red" When she gets to the part about “I’m looking for something in blue/Something real tiny/the baby’s brand new” I always tried to be facing away from my coworker, as I didn’t want him to see me get teary eyed.

I would do the same thing when *If You Get There Before I Do" * started playing. It makes me think of my 99 yr old grandmother, who is waiting to rejoin my grandfather.

I never knew that was what Losing My Religion was about.

I’ll second Bright Eyes. Garfunkel’s voice is so evocative, I can hardly help it any time I hear the song. I’ve lost people, lots of people, and it brings the whole thing back every time. What’s hard is that the song is not a happy song, it’s a “why do we die?” song.

Lots of people apparently get all teary over Rolf’s “Two Little Boys”.

… Did you think I would leave you dying
When there’s room on my horse for two
Climb up here Joe, we’ll soon be flying
I can go just as fast with two
Did you say Joe I’m all a-tremble
Perhaps it’s the battle’s noise
But I think it’s that I remember
When we were two little boys…

Stupid soppy geeks.


“Losing My Religion” is one of those songs that has about a dozen different commonly believed interpretations and unrequited love is only one of them.

It’s the one I obviously believe it to be about though.

Eve, that’s a great song! I wondered if he’d play it during some of the 9/11 memorial concerts, but we got New York State of Mind instead.

The Little Drummer Boy always gets to me, and I’m not even religious.

“Same Old Lang Syne” by Dan Fogleberg is as close as I get to getting teary-eyed.

It’s that whole “love that could have been” thing.

“Feed Jake” by the Pirates of the Mississipi

I guess 'cause it’s an animal thing which always makes me tear up…

The song “Upward Over the Mountain” by Iron and Wine makes me nearly die, it is so sad. I spent an afternoon listening to it on repeat and sobbing. (I’m not sure why I remember that so fondly…)

Also, “Red” by Okkervil River. Both songs are about a child’s relationship with a parent. I might have issues.


“What a Wonderful World” as performed by Louis Armstrong.

Because it is.

Anything by Digger Smulkin, particularly “Send in the Corpse”


It’s the only reason I watch the film Kelly’s Heroes.


(In case anyone hasn’t figured it out yet, Qadgop (among a few others) rules!
