You see, I’ve become quite fond of that television program Survivor. It’s entertaining, interesting and in the case of the latest season, completely unpredictable.
Until now.
You see, I live in Australia. We do not see the Survivor finale until Wednesday. We’ve been approximately 6 days behind the US throughout the whole series. Not a problem - it leaves me a 24 hour window to read Survivor related media on the net before I need to impose a blanket Survivor ban on myself. Works super.
With less than 48 hours to go til the finale appeared on TV, I thought I was safe. I was avoiding Survivor threads on the boards. I didn’t think I’d have to avoid the board entirely, but, hey, that was dumb of me, right?
Hey, I didn’t expect you to realise that it hadn’t been shown over here. But what sort of idiot puts such a major spoiler in the fucking thread title, ruining the entire series, so soon after it had been shown?
Would it have killed you to even consider that maybe we aren’t all on US television schedules, and put your fucking spoiler inside the post? I’m not asking for much. Just for you to get your head out of your arse and think a little bit. I mean, there’s a big goddamn sticky notice right at the top of the forum telling you to be sensitive about spoilers!
Very well said. As I said in the thread we’re not even half way through and now there’s no fucking point in following it as I know where it all ends up :mad:
Yeah, that is pretty thoughtless. There’s even a sticky at the top of Cafe Socity Please be considerate with spoilers that’s been there forever. It should be pretty obvious to not give things away in the thread title itself.
Sheesh! He gave away the winner of Survivor not. I’m sure he didn’t do it on purpose. To his credit, his spoiler was posted this morning instead of last night when it would’ve ruined the show for the majority of Survivor watchers. Sure, it’s unfortunate to have listed the winner in the spoiler title, but does this really warrant a pit thread? I hope you don’t get a hangnail or you’ll end up calling yourself out in the pit.
I’m glad I scrolled down and read Coldfire’s post. I went to the original thread and thought “That title isn’t a spoiler. What does {b]gex gex** see that I don’t.” Now I know why.
Grace, how exactly is posting the name of the winner in the thread title NOT giving it away? And since when is being inconsiderate to only a minority of people not being inconsiderate?
The fact is, there have been several pit threads recently about people posting spoilers inside Survivor threads, let alone in the titles. Since Survivor started, this has been mentioned about each season, and STILL people forget about it. It’s gotten to the point where there’s a sticky at the top of the Cafe Society forum telling people to “Please be considerate with spoilers”.
I just don’t get it. I mean, just taking a look at the Star Trek fans on the board, it’s not that hard to be considerate. There’s one poster who can’t see ST episodes until Saturday, so for the four days until then, people will post in spoiler boxes, even with “SPOILERS” in the thread title. It’s such a small amount of consideration that goes incredibly far. And it takes virtually no effort!
Regardless, Mully’s gotten his verbal spanking, and I’m sure he didn’t mean to do it. Hell, I was thinking of a Survivor thread I wanted to start on my ride to work this morning, and it had a spoiler in it, and I didn’t think of the non-US Dopers. It’s a crappy thing to do, but for some reason an easy one to slip from one’s mind. Pit threads like this are actually helpful in that regard, because it’s another necessary reminder.
Munch, don’t jump on Grace so hard (well, not yet). Coldfire said he changed the title to not be a spoiler. Then Grace posted here about 70 minutes later. If we assume she only read the linked thread (the one with the spoiler) right before posting, she would NOT have seen the spoiler. Given that, her reaction was not so bad (i.e. she thought gex gex was over-reacting about nothing). She said
Of course, I could be wrong about her statements and she is reacting after reading the unedited title. In that case, jump away.
Good call, Fin. I’ll withhold judgment. But if she’s wrong, I will come down with the fury of a thousand suns. Or I’ll just go get another soda. Or a Snickers.
Munch, come on down with the fury of a thousand suns. Maybe it’s just me, but I still don’t think his crime was that horrible. I saw the edited thread title, but I read the thread and realized that he had given away the winner of the show. I’m sure it was an accident. He probably wasn’t thinking about the non-US folks who watch the show. And as I said before, to his credit he didn’t post the winner of the show until a time when all the US folks should’ve already known the outcome. Sorry about the rest of you getting the reveal a little early, but it was probably an honest mistake.
I still don’t think it’s so terrible that a pit thread about it. And, it’s certainly not anything so important that you have to get your panties all in a wad about it. As far as pit threads go, this is the flimsiest excuse for having one. I’m giving it a C- and I’m giving myself a D for even being here.
Besides, it won’t be a really good pit thread until there’s serious cursing, a dog-pile, and someone asks for a high level moderator/administrator to resign. Until then, I’ll be back in Cafe Society trying to figure out how Jenna won.
In Mullinator’s defense, it’s easy to forget that these things are delayed in other places around the world. The winner is on the front page of a lot of entertainment news sites like Entertainment Weekly. It’s all over, in their TV and entertainment sections, and even on the main page itself.
I’d file this one under “honest mistake.” He certainly didn’t mean to spoil your fun. I don’t think it’s worth attacking him over it. (or her, sorry if so)
Okay, maybe I should’ve gone with a high profile moderator.
Since this was a simple mistake, I guess this means we have to start pit threads about each other. Would “Take That Skeletor!” be an appropriate pit title? :rolleyes:
I’m with Slacker-I turned on CNN Monday morning for the news, and it was in the crawl undre the stories, as well as a featured story every half hour. Every single entertainment column had the winner in the headline–if you look at any entertainment news online, you’re gonna see who won. This season’s episode was tremendously popular, and the finale was big news and damn near unavoidable.
As I explained in the OP, I avoided sites that I thought would give me the spoiler, even to the extent of avoiding this board between the time I posted this thread and now.
I think it was a stupid thing to post the spoiler in the thread title, I obviously don’t think he did it maliciously, and as I’ve just seen the finale, there’s not much point in me continuing going on about it. I think knowing the winner did diminish my enjoyment of the show, and I still think that members of the board should be sensitive about the spoilers they post, remembering that their country and the rest of the world are two different things.
I’ll leave it at that.
Except to say: all those of you criticising me for watching Survivor, get a life. I enjoy the show, and didn’t want to know vital elements before time. If you don’t watch it, don’t post to the thread. Simple. I mean, I’m not a Star Trek fan, but I can still appreciate that someone who is may not want information revealed about episodes that they haven’t yet seen.