What star does the Klingon Homeworld orbit?

Star Trek occasionally uses real-life stars, like Wolf 395. Has any mention ever been made about the sun of the Klingon Homeworld Kronos (Qo’noS)? I doubt it’s a known star, but do we know what type it is?

By Googling I found that it is “about 4 days away from Sol at Warp 5.” Could anyone translate that into parsecs for me?

I’m only asking because one of my students asked, and I think it would be really funny if I could actually find an answer. :slight_smile:

Argh!!! Wolf 359.

Hands over rubber vulcan ears and astronomy degree and slinks off in disgrace.

What? No, that can’t be right. Wolf 359, in Star Trek’s revised astronomy is… wait for it… Wolf 359. They fought a decisive battle vs. the Borg there. Lost a lot of ships.

Ohhh. On re-reading, I get it. You’re not saying Qo’nos is Wolf 359.

Never mind.

Here’s a map:


Well, according to startrek.com, it’s called Klingon.

Thanks a million, larsenmtl! You are worth your weight in gold-pressed latinum. :slight_smile:

So, campaign materials for a PBEM game are more accurate than the official home page? I did not know that. :dubious:

Well, Ethlrist, startrek.com doesn’t give a location or any other information, just a name. I don’t see how this calls into question the accuracy of the USS Scorpion map, Trek-wise. The legend says that a label indicates “Star/Planet” so they aren’t incorrect in marking “Qo’noS.”

The positions of some of the real stars are off, but we aren’t planning an interstellar voyage; it’s purely for yucks. :slight_smile:

I don’t see any “First Federation” spots on that map (from the TOS episode “The Corbomite Maneuver”) and their technology was considerably more advanced than the 23rd-century Federation.

Aside from the missing stuff like the Delphic expanse and the First Federation (am I the only one who wanted to see the First Federation kick the Dominion’s ass?), I’m having trouble picturing the Klingon empire where it is because of their easy access to the Cardassians and DS9 in the show. I guess there’s no way to get a 2-D map that will accurately capture all the make-it-up-as-we-go-along stuff from Trek.

You asked for information about the sun. I gave you information about the sun. Larsenmtl gave you a map that had the planet’s name on it. It’s your choice which information better answered the question, of course.

Well, according to my official Star Trek Star Charts book, the Klingon homeworld (star not named) is between Pi Canis Majoris and Theta Hydrae, though it’s closer to Theta Hydrae. (It’s really “between” Pi Canis and Theta Hydrae in the same way that Ireland is between England and Greenland.)

I can probably make a scan, if needed.

Sez you.

[nerd hat on]
What made the Delphic Expanse the Delphic Expanse were the Spheres, which were destroyed in the season finale of Enterprise, so that region of space is plain jane normal space by the time of Kirk. Unfortunately, that still doesn’t explain why we never heard of the Xindi before they smoked Florida.

Oh, and the Battle of Wolf 359 was an unmitigated disaster for the Federation, hardly “decisive”. No one thought to say “sleep”. :slight_smile:
[/nerd hat off]

Well, one meaning of ‘decisive’ is “Unmistakeable, unquestionable”, which isn’t that far from unmitigated. On the other hand, it wasn’t really “having the power or quality of deciding” in that particular borg invasion of the federation because after the borg won that battle, the gallant crew of the enterprise managed to turn it around. If they hadn’t… then I’d say the battle of wolf 359 would have been decisive.

How about… dramatic? Surprising? Tragic - for humans at least.

That’s Wolf 359!!


:eek: :smiley:

The Klingon’s solar system’s star has never been given a name or a location aside from “somewhere in the Beta Qudrant” so there is no canon answer. You could make up one based on conjecture and it would be as right as anything else you might find online, other than startrek.com.

And just for the trivia’s sake : Vulcan’s star is commonly (but non-canonically) believed to be Epsilon Eridani, about ten light years from Sol.

And I don’t know if it was ever mentioned in an episode, but Bajor’s sun is called Bajor B’Hava’el in the DS9 technical manual.

Depends on whether that was original series or next Generation warp 5. If it were original series, that would put it at about half a parsec. You’ll have to get someone else to figure the Next Gen warp speed, though: By that time, they had abandoned the notion of anything as silly as formulae for warp speed, and just settled on some really convoluted scale that didn’t even pretend to make sense. I seem to recall a graph of warp speeds in one of the technical manuals that wasn’t even monotonic (!).