What T shirts do gang banger wannabes favor?

When any of the local gang banger wannabes are dressing up in their who knows what it’s called gang banger wanna be style they have some really high quality, expensive T shirts. The uniform is usually some kind of oversized plaid shirt, capri shorts, and a dorky ball cap.
I’m not in the loop of what’s cool anymore, but still, an expensive T shirt can never be a bad thing, so I want to find out where I can get one.
I haven’t heard of a really quality T shirt brand; Hanes and FOTL all look cheap in comparison.
Any input?
Thank you,

You’re going to have to describe these shirts in more detail in order for me to help you.

Well, they’re just heavier duty-they seem thicker??? and you can’t seem to see through them, as you can through Walmart available shirts. No printing, etc…
sorry I can’t be of more help.

I’m gonna guess you’re thinking of striped Polo shirts.


This store carries all of the labels that are popular with the “hip hop set” if that’s what you’re asking for…but, a lot of the clothing has graphics because labels are meant to be seen in that style of dress.

Also see sporting good stores at the mall.

Perhaps Nautica

Or maybe IZOD

Are you talking about crew-neck/underwear style tees?

Here too.

I don’t know about wannabes, but real gangbangers mostly just wear large white t-shirts. Plaid went out long ago.

Hereabouts sports jerseys are still very popular among the members of various “youth clubs.” Jerseys are chosen, as I understand it, with respect to team colors that match club colors rather than loyalty to a particular sports franchise.

I have one I can let you have for $1000. Couldn’t be a bad thing. How about it?

My 17 year old son went through a ‘hyphy’ phase a couple of years ago. Wearing some of the most god awful clothes and outfits I’ve ever laid eyes on.

He preferred the T-shirts they sell at Champs and Foot Locker. They seel them in ‘Extra Long’ and those are what he’d always get, usually in white, but some in gray or black. Like this. - They are actually very nice t-shirts. Thick and a decent quality.

He also wore polo shirts, like this.

And some of the loudest, ugliest hoodies with rhinestones and dollar signs and I don’t even know what. Flat billed baseball cap with the sticker still on the bill for some reason. Stupid looking ‘stunna shades’, and Air Jordans. And his pants halfway down his ass.

Thank the stars he grew out of that.

Anyway, hope that helps.

Hanes makes Heavyweight Tees

I once bought some high quality aircraft graphics tee shirts and this is what they were printed on. These are maybe twice as thick as undershirt type tees.

Gangs have gotten away from the color thing over the years. They have learned it is not that smart to advertise that you are part of a criminal organization. Sports jerseys and hats are worn now mostly for the initials which are used as a code. Sometimes it is hard to tell because the codes are local. Gang members are more likely to wear plain white tees. They use their tattoos to express themselves, also sometimes in code such as using Chinese letters. Next week it will change, if it hasn’t already.

There are some really nice quality heavy white tees at Costco. I was in line behind a couple of guys a while back. One guy was buying 24. I noticed he had them because I was getting some at the same time he was loading his cart.

He was talking about getting on a plane to see the NCAA tournament. The way he was talking he sounded like the clothing he was buying was disposable. He did look too old to be a gang-member.


Does ‘gang banger’ mean something different in your language? I’ve always assumed that if I wanted to get gang banged, I should wear as little as possible.

Even when used the way you are stating in, the OP is would still be asking the question correctly. The person you are referring to would be the gang bangee.

But gang banger (IME) is the same as gangster, someone who is in a gang.

Those are not bad. But Carhartts are the king of heavy weight. Hands-down. Wear like Iron. :eek: Sportsman’s Guide and Sierra Trading post sometimes have them at discount.

Brute of the Doom

Jamie Hector (gangster/drug lord Marlo from The Wire) wore shirts he designed himself. His company is called Royal Addiction. Check it out, yo..

“Gang banger” in the gangster sense is pretty dated. It’s used by older/out-of-touch people, much like “popped” as in “I popped this girl in the back seat of my car” when “popped” is generally understood to mean “shot with a firearm” by the younger generation.