What the fuck is wrong with Huey Freeman?

That’s how education has always worked.

Whether some people who were called educators were too stupid to realize that makes no difference to the fact education is defined as making progress from ignorance to enlightenment.

I’m sorry about your thread.

I liked the parts about not making fun of autistic people and not talking bad about women. :frowning:

Okay, so it gets a response. I get that Huey, and and of himself, doesn’t seem like a particularly constructive force for good here on SDMB.

But if there’s one thing you can say is that he reminds you that America can’t always count on Black Americans to predictably behave like Ghandi, or King, or Obama whenever they’ve been slapped in the face. Some Black Americans advocate giving the finger and slapping the fuck back.

And the problem that black Americans have always had is that, being the minority, they’ve always depended on a certain percentage of white Americans having just enough humanity to reject their inherent genetic, socio-cultural advantages that come with being white, which isn’t easy in a society that rewards whites for just playing the racist game.

Martin Luther King became an icon because he was ultimately a “safe Negro.” And for many blacks, just having even a quarter of the white population interested in equal protection under the law was an accomplishment from their vantage point. So King became the natural inter-cultural bridge: the fearless leader that black Americans needed, and the “safe” little negro that whites hoped for and insisted upon if they were going to give up their privilege.

And yet here we are in 2 thousand and mother fuckin 19 and not a god damn thing seems to have changed much, despite having a black man as president. All that did was ring the fire bell in the night for white America, who feared losing their country. We’re now stuck with the most stridently racist presidential administration since Woodrow Wilson.

me too.

It’s too late, octopus. You’ve lost. Anybody reading this thread will see the things you’ve written and see the responses others of us have made.

And while you and your handful of fellow white racists are high-fiving each other, everyone else will see the reality that you lost this debate and lost it badly. You’ve been exposed.

We can add prejudice against those with mental illness, and those who seek treatment. Maybe Huey is actually a Scientologist, à la Tom Cruise?

Well, we’ll see the responses others have made, anyway. Thanks for those, by the way.

No, apparently, I work for the Internet Research Agency. I’ve been begging for you all to report me to the FBI, but alas, I’ve not been contacted by the Bureau. But, if thinking that I am a Scientologist makes you feel better or helps you put my posts in context, then have it. Setting this aside, it is clear from the responses, that my presence here has become an existential threat to the SDMB. My words (and the feelings they engender by those in this white space) are more destructive than the sustained racism against people of color that members here have been trafficking for decades. It is more destructive than the scores upon scores (if not hundreds) of threads that paint people of color as ignorant and shiftless. As another person commented, my presence has single-handedly turned this forum into a “cesspool”. Due to my threatening, forum-destroying presence, I strongly suggest you and others take immediate action to protect your aging cult from being destroyed by my words. You and others should talk to the staff at the SDMB to change the rules. And, because you’re white, you views will be heard, considered, and adjudicated by the white staff here. You can best believe that. Here are my suggestions for you and the others who have been hurt and disabused by my words.

  1. Insist the staff to declare that making fun of special needs persons against the rules
  2. Insist the staff to declare that making fun of individuals with mental illness is against the rules.
  3. Insist the staff declare using the words “hoe”, “thot”, “monster”, and “vulture” as misongynist, abelist, racist, and/or otherwise against the rules.
  4. Insist the staff ban me from making certain statements or arguments
  5. Insist the staff that I am an existential threat to the well-being of the forum and encourage the staff ban me entirely from the forum.
  6. Insist the staff report my presence to the FBI and/or other law enforcement agencies
  7. Demand that the staff investigate whether I am “crowd sharing” my account with other people.
  8. Insist the staff investigate - using whatever means possible - whether I am a sock of a past or present SDMB member.
  9. Insist the staff prevent me declaring your message board as a “white space”.
  10. Insist the staff broaden the definition of hate speech specifically include “anti-white” speech.

or. . .

  1. Use the ignore function. I sense, unfortunately, this is non-starter for most of the vultures as it requires a modicum of self-discipline and self-control.

Good luck.

You’re a jerk.


Can I insist that your membership status be changed from Guest to Big Poopyhead?

Hey! I’m Big Poopyhead!

Kuchiyose No Jutsu.

Yeah, there’s a differential in power. You’re a troll. They’re Mods.


I support this post, insofar, that I think it’s very heartwarming how you and the other aging cult members are coming out the woodwork to defend Guinastasia. It’s both interesting and endearing to see the whole Bedouin proverb “Me against my brother, my brother and I against my cousin, and all of us against the stranger (or person of color)” be acted out in real-time on a message board. It’s a shame this fitful expression of empathy and compassion does not extend to people of color; but I am nonetheless impressed that there is a spark of humanity there flickering in the darkness. It should go without saying that I welcome your hatred, your derision, your hypocrisy, and your mockery. I eat it for breakfast. I don’t want your acceptance, approval, sympathy, or support; and I’m more than capable of handling myself against** all of you**. How I treat these monsters, these vultures, is, in many ways, not just a reflection of my experience here but a microcosm of what is ailing the country.

In regards to Guinastasia, it is (and never was) personal. If someone comes after me, I will come after them. Just ask your resident racist that you love to protect - Grand Dragon (aka Komodo Dragon) Shodan. But setting the offspring-eating Komodo Dragon aside, a good example would be Sunny Daze who actually started this thread. And, frankly, Sunny Daze has more of a reason to hate me than Guinastasia because Sunny Daze (apparently) has a child who is special needs. And, despite being offended by my words, Sunny Daze doesn’t chase me thread-to-thread asking stupid ass questions like whether I beat my wife or accusing me of being a white conservative masquerading a person of color. I just had enough of Guinastasia and let her have it. I don’t feel sorry about it. I won’t apologize. And, although,over the last few months, I’ve completely dehumanized most of you to the point that I don’t look at you as human, I do recognize that I could have possibly hurt her and have endeavored to leave Guinastasia alone.

I could give a rat’s ass about Guin.

You’re a goddamned troll. Go away.

Nevermind. Not worth it.

Actually… fuck it. You’re blocked.

Peace, chump.

Thank you.

Huey belongs to the same rough category as doorhinge - posters whose presence makes me think the moderators here are fundamentally incompetent.