Anybody have links to an intelligent analysis or review, not just a news story, of what is going on in France?
2005 Paris suburb riots at Wikipedia
Thanks. (I could not get the SDMB search engine to come up when I tried to post that time. This seems to happen often, sadly.) Unfortunately, other than the Wiki link, that thread seems to go off into just a lot of speculation by board members and even into Russian ethnic conflicts…so, anybody with links to any analytical reviews about the riots in France would be still be great.
The main problem is that when the colonial powers were losing their colonies a few states like France (and the US) attempted to stop the revolts by saying the colonist were really citizens, not occupied subjects of a foreign state.
In the case of the US, it worked well for Hawaii, and is still fairly stable for Puerto Rico, but we wisely let go of the Phillipines and Canal Zone (after a long while).
But France stuck with it and many Algerians etc took them up on the deal and moved to France. The original French were not prepared for the influx. It was far greater than in other countries, where immigration is controlled to permit small numbers of rich or skilled people to enter. A sub-class arose of poor immigrants, who thus never integrated into the mainstream.
Thanks. So the communities from which the rioters are from are not recent immigrants? Or has their been a steady flow?