What the heck movie did I see?

What movie was this? It’s worthy of an MST3K treatment. If someone can actually make the schedule thing at FXM Retro work, it was on Sunday morning. Was watching on a hotel TV system with no channel guide.
Sixties-era, kinda campy, not a lot of dialog. Where I came in…Someone squeezes into a tiny submarine, scoots away under water from a ship’s interior moon pool, attaches to a cargo ship (names Tyboli, maybe?) and cuts a hole in the hull. Cargo is spirited away and a crate slid over to cover the hole just in time before someone looks in to see if all is OK, and finds a fish. There was a blonde with gold Wonder Woman cuffs. At some point, she was locked in a room or cell in a seaside mission with lurid purple psycho-plaid walls and a bright red spiral staircase. She finds a key with “Perhaps” on it, gets out, meets up with her accomplice who had what turns out to be radio parts under a fake back skin. (Eew!) They assemble a bird, attach the radio beeping out a message in Morse code, gas it up and it floats off. Eventually a sheikh is having his toenails painted, someone brings a him message, much excitement ensues, and the sheikh needs a better mode of transportation than a small car that couldn’t drive well on sand.

I promise, I was not on any mind-altering substances!

That’s Modesty Blaise (1966). Not a film I’ve ever been able to sit through, to be honest.


2hrs 4 mins…with that description.

Gotta love the dope.:smiley:

Yeah, sorry about that. I got up late this morning, so I didn’t see the question straight away. And then I thought I’d better watch some bits of the film just to make sure it was the right one (as I say, I’ve never seen it all the way through).

Are you sure it was a sheikh and not Zoltar? It might have been the alternate ending to* Big.*

For the record, the car was a Fiat 600 Jolly. In Europe “Jolly” means “beach buggy”. Here it is stuck in the sand:

Don’t put it down too much, they are highly desirable cars today. Sotheby’s sold one in 2014 for $99,000:


I figured this would either die a slow death or someone would know right off in a couple of hours. :smiley:

And I can buy it at amazon for seven bucks. Perhaps.

Perhaps not.

You can watch it on YouTube, if you’re quick.