What the heck was this bug?

So I have yellow-jackets in my back yard. I’ve already destroyed 2 nests this year.
But the other day I saw them crawling into a very, very tiny little hole in a brick on my house!:mad:
So at dusk I sprayed some bee/wasp killer in that hole. I sprayed a whole lot before it came dribbling out so that hole must be deep or going somewhere.
When the poison finally filled up the hole, dead YJ’s came pouring out.

But then…:eek::confused:

This huge (over an inch long) insect, like I have never, ever seen before, came crawling out. It was still alive! It was long and slender like a centipede, but the body was more rounded at each end like a worm, or a larva. And it wasn’t yellow and black like a bee, it was a real light green, almost a “yellow green”. But not the shade of yellow a bee is. More like…the yellow-green crayon that comes in the big box of Crayola. And it had wings!! And it flew away!
I tried to spray it down, but it got away.

WTF was that thing? And why was it living in with a nest of yellow jackets?
I’ve been on this planet almost 44 years folks, and I ain’t never seen any bug like that.

Priest King of Gor.

Long way from home, too.

Was it one of these?


There are several species of large wasps, an inch long, and many wasps are green. The queen is always larger than the rest.

Nope. Not even close. It looked way more like a centipede than any bee I’ve ever seen. Only it had wings. It had like a 1 piece body, compared to bees that have a head & abdoman. And it looked kind of slimy, though that may have been from all the poison I sprayed in there. This was the first time in my entire life a bug has given me the creeps. It was really freaky looking.

Is it one of these things? :wink:

was it anything like this?

This is funky!

The only insect that I can think of that is long, slender, and light green is the praying mantis (another picture here.) They aren’t necessarily as big as the ones in the pictures I linked to, and I think that in fact they tend to be greener when they’re younger & smaller.

I’m not sure what it was doing inside your house, though.

While looking for an answer to the OP question, I found this site with great insect pictures.