What the HELL is with St. Louis ?????

Um, I’m from quite a ways from St. Louis and that’s been pretty much my experience at Home Depot and Lowe’s as well. You have to hunt down the help (with hounds :D), as if they were escapees from a maximum security prison.

And even then, half the time they don’t have a clue.

The VP Fair. What’s up with that?

It is a St. Louis restaurant, but has a few outlets in Florida, I believe. The franchise rights have already been sold for the Missouri area. I looked into this because I wanted to see if I could open one in Pittsburgh. However, they don’t want to even hear from you about franchises unless you have two million net worth.

I work at the good 'ol Imo’s. Provel is my lifeblood.

Curious. East Dubuque is full of strip clubs and adult entertainment, too. What’s up with Illinois and strip clubs?

I looked when I landed. I looked when I took off. I saw no infamous Arch. As near as I can tell, there isn’t one and people just sort of wandered off of their plots of land headed due west for parts unknown with little to no fanfare and no wicket through which to pass.

Agreed, actually. Others in here bitched about the drivers. They were polite to me, as I was to them. I’m always extremely careful when I drive. Hitting other people in a car going 45mph is just no fun at all.

Well shit !! That is exactly where the sign was. Good on ya. I figured if they had one, they’d have a dozen around town and that was the one I happened to see. I was on 270N just before the 40.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks for the love, Frank. :slight_smile:

Yeah I drove by a few Lion’s Choice while I was in town. Sorry I didn’t stop in there for a meal- perhaps it’d have been a more positive dining experience than the one that prompted this OP !

I had no idea that you had to cross the state line to see women without their clothing on. How do Missourians procrate? Mitosis ?

The Home Depot comments were thrown in because it was becoming a cumulative effect situation. The dinner. The frightening spectre at the gas station quick-mart. The incapacity of the help at The Depot. I’ve shopped at Home Depots all over the country, actually. --shrug-- They pay like shit and work their people physically quite hard for the pay. What I have found in many Home Depot stores is that in the inner departments ( plumbing, electrical, lumber ) you find ex-contractors who have taken jobs with Home Depot who know more about the minutae of that department than you can possibly imagine. Their expertise has saved me money and heartache again and again, so I didn’t mean to paint with such a broad brush there. The folks up front? Deadly. :dubious:

Well, we’re liberal blue state and if you don’t want to wear any clothes, fine by us.

Nothing much, any more. Although there is a VP Parade still, it’s disassociated from Fair St. Louis or whatever the hell they’re calling it nowadays. There’s a dreadfully dull backstory involving local cliques, accusations of bigotry and elitism, etc., etc. My brother’s tried to explain it a few times and, frankly, my eyes glaze over. Not like I’ve been interesting in sweltering while being jostled by sweaty people just to get some funnelcake and listen to really, really crappy bands – at least, since I was about 12.

Alas! There’s a Lion’s Choice right next to the Ruby Tuesday’s you ate at. Even worse, there’s a really nice Chinese restaurant on the same side of Watson Rd., just past Lindburgh Blvd.

The perils of sticking to chain restaurants while you travel, I guess. The Viking, though? yeesh. That place was on its last legs when I worked at the (former) Howard Johnson’s down the street – 20 years ago. I’d’ve recommended one of the newer hotels further out on 44, near Highway 141 or Bowles Ave. Much newer, about the same price.

It’s got new legs. Rooms were clean. ( I say rooms because I had to move my room right after I checked in. Non-existent WiFi… :smiley: ). Hallways light and clean. Lobby looked recently done-over. The restaurant wasn’t shabby or old-looking.

Indoor AND outdoor pool, crawling with happy screaming kids and adults all afternoon and evening.

It wasn’t a dream palace but it sounds like it got an infusion of funds since you worked there.

Oh yeah, I saw the Lion’s Choice. Wish I’d gone in. Avoided Ruby Tuesday’s. Hit IHOP for breakfast one day, of course. :smiley:

Lightray– what’s the name of the place? We’re looking for a new Chinese restaurant to try,

Damned if I can remember. :stuck_out_tongue:

It really is just past the Lindburg overpass as you’re heading east on Watson; it’ll be on the right hand side. May even be the first place past the overpass, sort of cattiecorner to the Viking hotel, actually.

I’m trying to remember anything particularly good to recommend there… but I think I’ve actually had something different each time, and never stuck with a “favorite.” Given the wild quality of Chinese food around St.Louis, that’s why it’s on our list of favorites. Their tea is quite good, too, although they don’t sell it for take home, alas.

Crap, missed the edit window.

Google suggests it’s Sesame Chinese Restaurant.

Alas, poor Cartooniverse, that review even points out how attentive and responsive the service is there…

This is what the HELL is with St. Louis. The word is “kittiecorner”. The kittiecorner Hotel.

Only in your corner of the woods, cupcake. I grew up in Philly and I learned it as “catticorner”.

Thanks a million for that, Lightray. Makes me feel SO much better now !

Actually, dining IN the hotel is not the norm for me at all. I’m one to explore the environs and find some other place to eat. I was toast after a long day of traveling and just went for the closest. Seems I’d have been wiser exploring across the damned street to Lion’s Choice…

Apparently, not everyone in Denver agrees with your outrageously weird spelling of that:


I googled the spelling before going with that, although I decided against hyphenating or separating the words.

I must not be a native St. Louisan. I’ve always used the caddy corner .

I always thought it was “catty corner,” though I have heard people from other states say “kitty corner.”

I grew up in St. Louis, and I’ve always used “diagonally across from”.

I my part of St. Louis it was “caddy corner”, as in “Some hoosiers moved in to the neighborhood, caddy corner from the Smith’s house”
…and if you’re from St. Louis you may recognize that I’m nottalking about people from Indiana.

I go to a lot of ballgames through the summer as a season ticket holder. I have never noticed anymore traffic then one would expect normally.
This of course will all change once hwy 40 gets shut down. :mad: