Sleep is very important for good health. So, what time do you go to bed, and what time do you wake up?
I go to bed at 11 PM and wake up at 5:30 AM during the work week.
I go to bed at 12 or 1 AM and wake up at 7:30 AM on weekends.
Until the last few years I was firmly a “Night person”. I would go to bed around midnight during the week and around 2 or later ion the weekends. Something changed a few years ago and I find myself becoming a morning person. I go to sleep around 11:00 during the week, sometimes earlier and wake up around 6 and on the weekends I am usually asleep by around 12:30.
I don’t like it.
It varies quite a bit, but in general terms I sleep from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am
I go to bed at midnight and wake up at 5:30 in the morning.
I go to bed at 7:30 and get up at 3:30. My work day is suppose to be 6 to 2:30 but I have been sucking up an hour of overtime every day by starting at 5. This has been my schedule for about 18 years. I am going to retire in the next 3 to 6 months, I am so looking forward to normal people hours.
Yeah, pretty much that. I’m retired, so I don’t have to get up that early, but I’ve never been one to sleep in.
I am and have always been a morning person. I’m generally up in the 4:30-6AM range (my alarm is set for 5 for workdays.) So by 8:30 or so in the evening, I’m dragging. Depending on what’s on TV, I mosey to bed between 8:30 and 9:30 to read myself to sleep. But I have to be careful. Last weekend, I was up till just past midnight because I had to find out who dun it!
5:27 (an hour before my alarm setting)
I’m usually to bed by 10:30-11:00 and up around 6:30 - 7:00.
Workdays (M-F): I go to bed between 9-9:30 and watch Netflix or read for about an hour or when I can’t keep my eyes open anymore. Get up at 5:30.
Weekends/Days off: I go to bed around 10-11 and do the same; watch or read. I get up whenever I naturally wake up, usually around 7:30.
I go to bed between 9:30 and 10, and I wake up between 6 and 6:15. That’s weekdays.
On weekends, you might add about half an hour to each time.
I’m retired so unless there is something specific on my schedule for that day or the next, it tends to vary widely. That said, I’m usually up until at least 10PM and occasionally much later, and usually wake up about 6:30am, but have stayed in bed until after 12 noon on at least one recent day.
Generally, I sleep from midnight to 6:30 am on weekdays.
When I’m not involved in activities that end late-ish (rehearsals, concerts, parties) I try to go to bed at around 10. Wake-up time is highly variable for me.
I just dragged my lazy ass down stairs. I get up at 6 or so to feed the cats and drink water , pee and back to bed. Sometimes I sleep more sometimes I read or watch CNN.
I generally get 3 or 4 hrs sleep every 24. I am an insomniac. When i do sleep, i am fitful and dream-y. So, the moral is learn to turn your brain off, I can’t do it.
When I have work the next day, about midnight (to get up about 0630).
When I don’t have work the next day, generally anywhere from about 0130 - 0400.
I work Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, so my sleep is perpetually messed up.
This old Seinfeld bit sums it up pretty good:
I decided to do a sleep study on myself over winter break (four weeks). I have some on and off insomnia and trouble getting to sleep and wanted to see if I have a natural circadian setting.
The results are definitive: 3am to 10 am is my factory default setting. I go to sleep immediately and sleep like a log. I’ve been following this schedule for three weeks now.
I tend bar three nights a week – Th/Sat/Sun – and currently work days M-W in an office.
On nights I tend bar I usually get to bed between 3am & 4am. Most weekdays I get up at 7:30, if not for work, then to get my son to school. Fridays I tend to sleep in.
The only turnaround that gets me cranky is Saturday-to-Sunday, when I have softball at 9am. I mostly do it for a longtime friend, who thinks he will wilt away if he stops playing (he’s 67). I also owe him money. But I can’t remember the last morning I actually felt like playing.
I’m in pretty good health (AFAIK!), and I have learned to be (mostly) competent on minimal sleep, but yeah, I would probably perform better and feel better with more sleep.
And yes, there are mornings when I get mad at night guy when I am left to my own druthers…