I generally go to sleep between 11:30 and midnight. I have to drop off my daughter at the kindergarten bus stop in the morning. Then I head back home to my work at home job. I am a night owl who can manage to push myself into sleep about an hour earlier than I would naturally prefer.
Sort of depend what my working hours are (in my NEW JOB as a nanny;) however, even when working 8:30 to 5:30, I’ll typically stay up until around 2 am. I am a total night owl and always have been.
How cool! The punctuation I used actually created a perfectly appropriate smiley! That makes me happy, even though I am sad and lonely right now. Thanks!
On the one hand I’m a night person, but on the other I need a LOT of sleep- like 10 hours. I used to stay up until 11 or later, but now I go to sleep usually between 9 and 10. I feel a lot better and less tired during the day now. If I had my druthers I’d go to bed at 12 and wake at 10.
I had been hitting the sack at 9:00. Lately I haven’t been able to fall asleep and so I’ve been going to bed later. It is nearly 11:30 right now…
2 A.M. usually. There is too much intarweb to see to sleep any earlier.
Hey, congratulations on your new job! I hope you thoroughly enjoy it and your new digs.
I usually go to sleep anywhere from 10:30 to 1 a.m. If I’m really tired or feeling particularly responsible, I’ll sleep at 10:30, since my son usually wakes a few minutes before 6 a.m. If I’m really interested in something I’m reading or writing or just need extra time to do stuff or wind down, I might be up until 1 a.m.
I’m very much a morning person, and driving to work at sunrise has been wonderful. I work east of where I live and I love getting blasted by the dawn when the sun comes over the horizon - it makes me feel much more energetic, even if I stayed up too late.
I am a morning person. My wife is a night person. Over the years, we have compromised. On a weeknight, we are usually falling asleep sometime between 10:30pm and 11pm, and not much later than that on the weekends.
If it were entirely up to me, I’d probably fall asleep at approximaaaaaazzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZ…
My nature is a night owl. I used to have an all over the place schedule–Go to work at seven am one day, go to work at 4pm the next. So I can sleep whenever. I can take a twenty minute nap and get up and work eight more hours.
But in the past few years, I’ve gotten into an actual 8-5 work schedule.
And I like to have a good night of sleep. I should go to bed at 10.<That’s when I perk up, but I’m sleepy!>
11 feels so good, I stay up until one.
<Paraphrased from Steel Magnolias: “I wear an 8, but a 9 feels so good, I buy a 10”>
I take a half hour nap when I get home a lot of nights.
I try to aim between 12:30 and 1 now that I’m working, although I sometimes overshoot. As long as I’m in bed by 1:30 I’m okay the next day. Nights that I have the next day off I usually get to bed around 3. I’m a night person, but this schedule makes it so about once every two weeks I come home from work and immediately crash (around 7 PM) and don’t wake up until 8 AM the next day.
Around midnight on weekdays, which is okay when I work at 9 a.m. but terrible when I work at 6. On the weekends, whatever happens happens, so 3 a.m. isn’t too unusual.
Since this is more of a poll, I’m sending it to IMHO.
I get up at 4:30 AM because I start work at 6AM. I go to bed no later than 10PM and usually 9PM or 9:30PM, but sometimes as early as 8PM. As for Weekend hours, I usually stay up until about midnight on Friday and Saturday nights.
I worry that I don’t get enough sleep, but I’m just wired at night. I try to go to bed by 2am but it’s sometimes 3. I get up at 6:30 during the week and, if I’m lucky, sleep until 8 on weekends. I don’t ever feel tired though, so I guess it works for me.
I get caught up from time to time. About every couple of weeks there will be 2-3 days in a row where I fall asleep reading books to my 3 year old at 8pm and wake up at 3-4am and just stay up. I used to hate doing that, but I’ve found that I can actually be pretty productive around the house at 4am.
Between 2am and 5am. Sometimes by midnight if I’m really tired. I’m never up before 9am.
We get up for work at 5, so normally we’re in bed between 8:30 and 9, watching TV to wind down. I may make it to 9:30, but not too often. Even on weekends, it’s rare for me to stay up past 10 - I may not be going to work, but the dogs still need to go out, and their routine involves peeing before 6AM.
But that’s fine - I’m a morning person.
The average time I go to bed is about 4am.
I haven’t been sleeping well for about 6 months. I have been going to bed later and later each night/morning. It is 6am now, and I haven’t slept since yesterday’s afternoon nap of 2 hours at 2pm.
I will probably sleep 4 hours if I am lucky. But I usually do take a nap in the afternoon if my son is at school, or if my hubby is around to watch him. I haven’t worked out of the house for over 2 years. But even when I had to be up for my job by 7am, I was going to bed at 2am or later.
I have to get this sorted out, because I am tired all the time. And to top it off I have sleep apnea.
We are dealing with the kids all day so we both feel like the only “me” time we get is after they’ve gone to bed. Normally there’s a bit of tidying to do first so it’s not until 9pm or so that we get to sit down and relax. To make the most of this we generally stay up till between 11 and 12, sometimes I’ll play Xbox till 1am then we take turns getting up at 6:30am for our littlest one the next morning.
On most weekdays I go to bed at 9:30pm. This is completely against my nature as an insomniac/night owl, but it must be done to get up at 5:30am.
On days that I have to be up at 7:30am, I go to bed by 11:30pm.
Last night (Friday night) I went to bed at 1am, completely exhausted, and woke up at 7am :(, completely exhausted.
This is a girl who used to be able to stay up until 7am, then crash and sleep until noon. 1am is now late for me. I’m getting* old*.
I’m not working right now, so don’t have to set the alarm, which is nice. I’ve reached an age where I prefer being on some kind of normal schedule, though, so I generally go to bed between 9:30 and 10:30 and read for a while – anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour or more, depending on the time, how tired I am, and how good the book is. I wake up at least 3 or 4 times a night, but either go right back to sleep or go pee and then come back and go right back to sleep. Once or twice a week on one of these early morning wakings I won’t go right back to sleep, so I turn on the light and read for half an hour, then go back to sleep. I wake up between 7 and 8 having gotten 8-9 hours of sleep, and feeling rested.
I’m a former night owl who now generally falls asleep by 10:30 on a worknight so I can be up by 5:30.
What’s really scary is I never need the alarm to wake me up anymore, I always awaken spontaneously a few minutes before I need to get up.
Decades of habit still cause me to set the alarm “just in case”.
I like to be under the covers by 8:30pm. And lights out no later than 9:30. We like to read or watch a bit of TV in bed before sleep.
My Wife gets up at 4:30am. And I doze on untill 5:15am.
Today, being a Saturday, I slept in late which was 7am.