So it’s widely known now that madrassas, fundamentalist Islamic schools, exist in numerous countries such as Iran and U.S. “allies” Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Such schools teach little but the Koran and vitriolic hatred of the West, America being the prime target of said hatred. These schools are teaching the Muslim children of today (clearly I am not referring to all Muslim children, but it would be ridiculous to deny that this is a real phenomenon) to be the Mohammed Attas of tomorrow. They are being indoctrinated with an awful and dangerous ideoology. This is like pre-school for terrorist training camps.
The question is: what is to be done? This represents a clear danger for America in the War on Terrorism, so it obviously must be dealt with. Political and/or economic sanctions against these countries won’t work because they schools are typically privately funded. We can’t put in money for new schools which teach our values because, speaking frankly, how many Saudi parents are going to send their kids to American schools? The U.S. obviously can’t go around bombing schools - assuming there would be no loss of life (which could be the case if this were done at night), there would be little lost in terms of educational value, but in diplomatic terms it would of course be a disaster. And for those who say that we should change our foreign policy so they’ll like us more, that is not a relevant solution, because these schools do not hate the West for our foreign policy; they represent an ideological commitment to the destruction of Western culture by any means. Given that this is an important goal, how could it possibly be achieved?