What to do if a Crocodile Bites your Head


(Discourse is suggesting that this is similar to “Would you vote for a crocodile-headed man?”)

The wild creatures of Australia are world famous for their top rank placement in fierceness and lethality. And are duly pwned by an ordinary Australian human.

Maybe we should import a dozen or two to this country to restore order. :wink:

Life imitates Art!

Never heard of “prizing off” jaws. Was that suppose to be prying?

It’s a UK/Commonwealth-ism. Same meaning though.

Googling that phrase just leads to a bunch of links about this particular story, nothing else.

All the other crocodiles " Did you hear about Dave, he had a meal all good to go and he blew it" [insert ridicule from all the other crocodiles]

If it was an adult croc surprised he was able to free himself, If I’m not mistaken they have a stronger bite force than a tiger shark .

My semi-bad.

The UK / Commonwealth spelling for pulling something open/apart is “prise” not “prize.”

UK: They utilised a spanner to prise open the boot.
US: They utilized a wrench to pry open the trunk.

There are umpteen words in English that the US spellings ending in “ize” whereas the UK/commonwealth spelling ends the same word in “ise”. I fell for that one.

That croc must not have been terribly hungry. A good “death roll” (see below, not for squeamish) would have probably broken the guy’s neck and guaranteed the croc a complete dinner.

Well… on this occasion, discourse has a point.

Does it?

I’d probably be willing to vote for a guy this tenacious and resourceful, but only because he DIDN’T have a crocodile on his head.

Reminds me of that strip from the last days of the original run of Bloom County where you can’t see Milo’s head because it’s inside a python.

Would you vote for this guy?

Depends who he’s running against.

Interestingly, in British English, both endings are often valid for those words (with ~ise just being favoured)