What to do with ricotta?

I’m hungry. I have left-over ricotta. What can I make to eat?

You can make some ***really ***rich, yummy garlic mashed potatoes.

There should be a drooling smiley.

Make some crepes and stuff them with ricotta.


Toast or crackers, with ricotta. You may add herbs and spices, or enjoy it plain. Or fry up some diced onion, celery, mushroom, and bell pepper, mix with ricotta, spread on crackers or toast. Possibly this would work with tortillas, but I’ve never tried it that way.

If you’re in the mood for something sweet, you could beat it until the lumps disappear, add some confectioners sugar, a dash of vanilla, and fold either chocolate chips, some melted lukewarm chocolate, or, even easier – squirt in some Nestle’s chocolate sauce. Portion it into individual servings and refrigerate until set. Easy peasy, and it’s high in protein :slight_smile:

Depending on how much you have left over, you could make an Italian ricotta pie (google that for variations on the recipe, if you’d like).

If you only have a little bit, you could make a very simple pasta sauce by combining the ricotta, parmesan cheese, and fresh parsley. Save the water from the pasta when you drain it and add a little water to the sauce if it’s too thick.

Crisp some flatbread (tortilla, etc.) Brush lightly with oil, top with ricotta, sauteed mushrooms and onions, and broil for a few minutes til the ricotta is brown. YUM.

Mix with sugar and cocoa powder, and/or finely ground espresso coffee.
Mix with honey and cinnamon.
Top with a squirt of caramel ice-cream sauce.

That’s how I use up a little, left over. For a whole container, well, see the above suggestions.

I mix it with spinach and garlic and use it to stuff calzones.

My sons father mixed it with garlic and some other cheeses to stuff artichokes.
It was good but I don’t know how to make it.

On a recent Italian cooking show with Lidia Bastianich, she mixed ricotta in with an otherwise traditional meatloaf recipe. She said the cheese made it extra moist and worked well with the Italian seasonings and sauce she made with it. I intend to try this someday, as my meatloaves often turn out dry-ish.