What topic has never even been mentioned on SDMB?

Aww, they’re adorable. So, do the babies have that weird buttered-popcorn smell, too? Or is it just the adults?

I have never seen a thread on the conspiricy implicit in Harry S. Truman’s victory over Thomas Dewey. Nor a discussion of HST’s mysteriously missing middle name.

Yeah, but I put up that wiki article on them. And, plus, there is the documentary I’m doing about them. And the short story I published. So enough is enough.

This does not exactly fit the OP’s request, but we never fully figured out the importance of the Postmaster General, Francis Grainger.

SFC Schwartz

We can see them from down here…we just don’t ask you about them.

Only test your maximum speed handling ability if your life depends on it.

We’ve never had a debate over which member of George Washington’s cabinet had the largest shoe size.

It was Jefferson of course.

How about the possibilities of a human colony on Jupiter?

It’s a fool’s errand. Trying to imagine the Post Office without Frankie Granger is like trying to imagine Buddhism without Buddha.

*** Courtesy Zombie Alert ***

Two and a half years since the latest post. Any updates? Have any of those earlier mentions been turned into threads yet?

What’s something we still haven’t discussed (or at least mentioned)?

On the other hand, NPR did a piece on this just yesterday. Go figure.

Well…I still haven’t seen them and, as somebody upthread mentioned, posting them here would negate the validity.

Therefore I’ll just keep silent and refrain from uploading my list – in the interest of testing their longevity as unmentionables. :wink:


I first misread that one post as being about deities that didn’t believe in morals.

I don’t think anyone ever asked about which composer had the narrowest shoe size.

It was Gabriel Fauré (AAAA)!

This explains the foreign-policy decisions of a number of countries. :slight_smile:

Yes! See my post#11. We still haven’t explored the consequences of his death, but thanks to Elendil’s Heir we did have an entire thread devoted to Vice President (briefly) William Rufus de Vane King.

I’d be scared of a deity that doesn’t believe in mortals. What if he’s omniscient?

Everybody wants leftovers, but does anybody ever bother to put the rest in tupperware and in the fridge?

Also… two week rule: After that, it goes out…


Abortion. There’s no point in even discussing such a divisive topic. People could argue it for six months and never resolve the debate. It’s just sparks a flame war. I wouldn’t touch that topic here or anywhere else with a twenty foot pole.