What topics do you suspect Dopers would like you to shut up about?

If I wanted snide remarks about other posters, I would have started this in the Pit. Though I do think this makes a good example of “things I would like you to shut up about,” at least in this thread.

I apologize, and I’ll bow out of your thread.

Seinfeld references. Sorry about that.

You do know where the Pit is, don’t you?

I do sometimes wonder if I post too much about being a factory worker or a single mom, but I figure since I’m just not that prolific I’m probably flying way clear of the annoyingly repetitious mark.

I’ll second What Exit too, while I remember about your husband’s disability from various discussions, I’ve never once thought you harp about it or are anywhere near 1TP range, js. No worries.

Edit: sorry, Frank!!

What lalenin said, except replace Cuba with Native American stuff.

My sailing trip.

Toast Museum

(fortunately, I can, now that someone took the suggestion).

I worry people would like me to shut up about being from India. I feel self-conscious about it but I can’t often help the way it’s shaped me. I’m just waiting for someone to yell at me.

Same here, although it’s possible I’ve hit a tiresomeness threshold about being a Mike Keneally fan, bashing Detroit, and having once been friends with Bill Watterson. :rolleyes:

My family in particular and southern stuff in general.

I don’t actually think that people notice my presence here at all for the most part, but if they do, I’d say probably my participation in parenting threads or my frequent references to my kids.

Oh God is she talking about India again!?

JK. Speaking only for myself of course, one of my favorite things about the Dope is the armchair travel. Og knows when I’ll be able to go to India/Tasmania/New Zealand/Saudi Arabia/etc., so I love reading posts about those places from natives or current residents. Things like Paul in Saudi’s comment about how antidepressants are sold otc in Saudi or what the non-Mecca route places are like during the Hajj are things I find fascinating and that you don’t learn from magazine articles or Hitler Channel documentaries.

Live broadcasts of my choir’s performances?

Trust me Sampiro my friend, you should NEVER stop talking about those things. Your stories and anecdotes are part of what keeps me here at the SDMB. If anything, you should post more of them.


purrrrrrs quietly to herself

Cats. I was going to say that before I saw that SCL beat me to it, but I’m saying it ANYWAY. :stuck_out_tongue:

oh, GOD-not INDIA again… hee. We love your Indian stories, Mika. And I think Sampiro is actually from South Dakota–it’s all an act. :smiley:

I think I post too much about my sucky marriage/sex life. I’m sure most of you are like, just end it already. Me, too…
Now that I have a nursing job that I like, I don’t think I bitch about work too much.

I may brag about my kids some, but not enough to bug anyone, I don’t think.

The movie Pearl Harbor stank on toast, but I really shouldn’t keep harping on it.
I’m sure there are people who get tired of me saying: “Being selfish is not always wrong!” It’s still something I consider an important message, so I’m not going to stop, but I do try to make sure that I only say it when it really and truly is appropriate to the thread I’m in.

Oddly enough, for many of the people posting here, I like hearing their topics, and don’t want them to shut up about it. Especially those with backgrounds that are foreign to my own experience.