What topics do you suspect Dopers would like you to shut up about?

In years past, it was probably Star Trek but I’m a pretty sporadic poster now and tend to post about totally random minutiae so I doubt I’m much noticed anymore.

I notice your name all the time and though I definitely think of you as The Rowing Person, I don’t think you mention it often enough that you annoy anyone with it.

The real problem with this, of course, is that I can’t hear your accent while reading your posts. The Irish accent is HOT, and fonts on a screen just aren’t as good so your Irish references amount to teasing.

“Psychiatric oppression! Oh, someone said ‘psychiatry’ or ‘mental illness’ or made mention of psychiatric treatment? Well hello, I’m here to remind you they’re quacks and they do forced treatment and their drugs are like stone knives and bearskins and their diagnostic categories like the medieval four humours, an’ it’s a civil rights issue I tell you! Of course whatever works for you. (mumble mumble trephination, mumble mumble snake oil)”

“Hello, page 7 of religious debate! Just thought I’d mention I’m not atheist or conventionally religious, certainly not christian. You folks should quit butting heads with each other and debate with me instead! I’m more unusual, which makes me deep and stuff! God is a sense of self! You are God! She is God! The universe is God! Look at me, I can do ‘spiritual’ without doing silly Sky Pixie stuff! I can do ‘rational’ without going all windup-toy mechanical universe! Why do you keep ignoring me and replying to each others’ posts?”

“I’m a heterosexual sissy and that makes me the queerest weirdest sexual outcast of all! No one understands me and I don’t fit in! Because I said so! I ought to know, I invented this sense of identity! Pause in amazement to understand me and my situation, won’t you? I’ll just jump in to any thread about being transgendered or gay and soak up some attention, no one will mind.”

“Marriage and monogamy and commitment? What weird freaky ideas! You folks are all jealous and possessive and not enlightened like me. I really don’t see why people care if their sex partners have other sex partners besides themselves. But let me give lip service to ‘different strokes for different folks’ and disclaim that I’m not saying your way is wrong or anything, and I’ll smile and roll my eyes and shake my head and stuff.”

Sampiro, my friend, you almost had me. I was thinking oh.

OtakuLoki, your comment about “Being selfish is not always wrong” has actually helped me in the past. Sometimes one needs to hear it said by a third party.

I’ll remind posters that this thread is about what you believe other posters perceive as your one trick, and I’ll thank y’all for not playacting the roles of people you are not.

Did I mention I live in Japan?

I am really, really tired of hearing you drone on about that guy who murdered your father.


I like both of your posts. Different perspectives, eh?

I think – well, hope – that I don’t do drive-by, irrelevant insertions of my obsessions. I have certain topics that aren’t of wide interest, but I think they’re mostly on display in threads devoted specifically to those topics (wordplay, gardening, recovery, “Dancing with the Stars”), so those who don’t give a shit aren’t even reading the threads.

If I’m wrong about that, pls. feel free to PM me with a gentle word.

I never upset anyone. I’m too nice. You all love me really, don’t you?

I love hearing about India, Anaamika, talk on. I just wish I could hear your voice, because I love the music in an Indian accent. I’ve wanted to go to India, doubt I’ll ever get there, so please, talk on, talk on. And if you want to start on thread on Indian food in Cafe Society, I’ll be right there.

I love hearing about Ireland, An Gadai. So please, go right on talking about it.

Sampiro, you write so very well, you capture voice in your writing so vividly and well, I’ll read any post you write. Your post in the politeness thread was the best thing I’ve read in a long, long time.

And all the rest of you – you are fascinating people, with much to say on so many topics I know nothing about. You educate me. You entertain me. I enjoy reading your posts.

I’m flattered dear but my accent is as American as they come. (At least it’s not too localizes! No LI accent here.) I do say a few things in “British Indian” as noted in the thread recently though, if that helps.

But, you’re scary. :eek:

Like 'mika, I feel somewhat self-conscious about mentioning I’m Korean-American. I feel like I drag it into everything. Apologies all around. :slight_smile:

Y’all tell me. :wink:

Love, most likely. :wink:

“There’s no such thing as ghosts/psychics/flying saucers/anything supernatural.”

There you go again with the long-ass posts! :stuck_out_tongue:

I suspect everybody would like me to stop throwing out frothy asides, one-liners and zingers and actually find a few pet topics and stick to 'em. You don’t get to 7,000 postings in 3 years by being substantive, cogent, or relevant.

Personally, I think your anecdotes are great, but I do admit that they’re entertaining in a “trainwreck” sort of way. I wouldn’t want any of that crazy stuff to happen to me, but it’s fascinating to hear about.

I’m not entirely sure whether people notice me in threads at this point either. I’m not entirely sure if anything I really have to say is interesting enough for comment on this board, but I don’t necessarily think I’m so annoying that people would want me to go away. I’m not an expert on things, but I do have a reasonable amount of knowledge of a bunch of small areas through experience or schooling. Maybe I talk too much about what I’ve learned via school. :confused: