Just wondering how many people are addicted. My husband is so addicted that I can’t even get him to leave the boards for anything. Even his fish are dying.
Anybody else have this problem?
Just wondering how many people are addicted. My husband is so addicted that I can’t even get him to leave the boards for anything. Even his fish are dying.
Anybody else have this problem?
No. Not me. Nope. I can quit any time I want.
Me too. I just don’t want to quit. And I don’t have any fish. Although the kids are looking just a tad malnourished, now that you mention it.
Well, I managed to do without the Dope during my wedding weeks…
in other words, Dopers are currently a sex substitute for me. Hope you’re ok with that >:)
If I were meanspirited, I could suggest a few methods of computer sabotage that would keep him away from the boards… but I’m not.
(Is it as bad as you’re alluding to?)
I’m guessing that’s why you’ve only been able to post once per quarter? Surely the man must sleep sometime.
I work 12 hour shifts at night by myself so it definitely helps pass the time (I work tech support so I just sit around waiting for the phone to ring). I find my sense of humour and level of conversation I crave is more appreciated here than with most of my friends IRL. Of course the anonymity of the boards allows more open conversation on certain topics than a lot of people would be willing to have face to face while sober.
I’ve always been a big fan of Cecil Adams and was overjoyed at finding these boards to get more of the fix I need for learning about everything under the sun. Although GD and GQ are more in the realm of the kind of things Cece & Company tackle, I really enjoy CS, IMHO and MPSIMS. I never knew that there were so many people that appreciate the same kinds of movies that I do! Definitely allows me to blabber on about things that no one else around here wants to listen to.
I cruise the SDMB now more than I play PC games (my previous favorite pasttime), but I try not to let it interfere with family interaction. My wife is getting more interested now that I’ve told about some of the threads I’ve participated in. She may join up sometime in the future (g0d, now she’ll know how weird I really am). Yeah, the lawn needs mowing, but hey, it might rain sometime today. It can wait.
Shite, I forgot about the kids…:eek:
I bought my first Cecil book about 10 years ago, perhaps more. The AOL Board was a beacon of humor and sanity.
I’m a bit more cynical now, but for a long time I was just googlyeyed over SDMB… I’m still hopelessly addicted, though.
p.s. Kids? Mine? Uh…I’m not sure if they’ve left the county…
I’m not addicted. But I feel a strong responsibility to other members who search for my posts. How selfish would it be for me to let them down?? So, you see, I’m here out of compassion, not out of any need on my part. No, really, that’s the way I am!!!
Kids? That would explain the screams…
Heck yeah I’m addicted. It just gets worse and worse.
AAArgh. I mean my addiction just gets worse and worse.
I once calculated that I spent almost 1% of my entire lifespan on this board. (I’m 19.)
I think I am. I increased my post count by over 100 this week.
But then I’ll probably go back to posting irregularly when matt_mcl gets back from Spain. I post from his computer.
Of course, he’ll have to fight me for it.
I’m addicted.
During the Winter of Missed Content[sup]TM[/sup], I experienced sensations that suspect are highly similar to withdrawal symptoms.
So yes, I’m addicted.
I’m not ashamed.
Glad I’m not the only one!
To break the monotony and keep me from destroying school property, I got a LiveJournal to play with. And that was the beginning of the end.
[Mr. Hand]
What are you people? On dope?
[/Mr. Hand]
Sometimes I’m sickened about how much free time I spend here.
(sits on bed, trembling and muttering to himself)
(gets up, looking very disheveled and bony)
(logs on)
Well, I’m addicted to some kind of dope. The straightness varies depending on eyestrain and how much sleep I’ve had. During vacations and weekends, I’ve checked here six times in one day. Well, I lost count after six, but you get the idea.
I tend to cut my dope with Rat Poison. Makes it last longer.
How can one be addicted to what are essentially “kept” electrons? Or is there actually some substance here that draws me back?
Just a light-time lurker checking in.
Of course I’m an addict.
Arrrrrrrghhhhhh… enough with the Mr. Hand quotes all over the place!