What Type of Factory Makes Milk?

When I was a kid, the milk went from the cow to the milker to the bulk tank to the quart bottle to the refrigerator. No other processing involved.

They want you to eat moar chikin.

How cow get pragnent??

My grandpa (the electrician) used to take little snips of copper wire and start hammering them flat, then he’d switch them out for a penny when I wasn’t looking. For years I swore that my grandpa made pennies with his special “penny hammer”

I’d like to hear more about these milk processing plants. How do they go about doing this? Are they giant venus flytrap-like creatures that swallow the cows and squeeze the milk out? Or do they just mind-control the farmers to do it for them? No wonder the cows are revolting.

When I was a teen, we would buy it directly from a farm. I think it was homogenized, maybe pastuerized, right on the farm. It was something like 40% milk fat. OMFG milkgasm!

40% milk fat is cream. Ordinary whole milk has about 4% fat.

It is worse to be hailing taxicabs!

They’re smelly, true, but I don’t think I’d go so far as to call cows revolting.

This cow is Revloting. And a likely Marxist, to boot!

I like them when they have yet to emerge from their bagel shell. I think at that stage they are called kosher dogs.

Cow Tse-tung?

We’ve been thread spotted!

It’s just grass with the sh*t taken out.


C O W spells cow
C O W spells cow
A cow is the one who chews up grass
And that’s how milk gets in your glass
C O W spells cow…

Thank you Pinky Lee!

Pasteur’s gay partner.

I’ve been told a million times not to exaggerate like that.


Is revloting when you picket a minister’s house?

This can’t be right. Who would drink a liquid that comes from an animal? Wouldn’t that be unsanitary? Far better to process some chemicals in a plant for a safe, healthy drink.

They’re like baby carrots, they’re just picked earlier in their growth cycle.