What type of hat is this?

There’s a sort of modernized robin hood hat that, often, police women and meter maids are made to wear:


Is there a name for that general style of hat? I’d like to find some that don’t have the police markings and are, ideally, more long and pointy in the front.

It looks like a type of fedora.

Go here

The Brits seem to call it just a Police Woman Hat. My guess is that you could remove the band with the police badge on it.

Policewoman hats, bobby helmets, sailor caps, horned Viking helmets and Roman army helmets (with rubber crest) here. Enjoy!

Also called a WPC hat (for “Woman Police Constable”), but there appears to be no generic non-uniform version of it that I can find. I think I’m over-focusing, so I’ll stop now.

I got the most hits for a similar hat looking under “alpine hat” actually. “womens officers cap” also turns up quite a few. Many of those have a thing saying it’s often called a “pot hat” but Google images doesn’t seem to agree with that assessment. I’ve also seen it as a combination hat.

The closest non-military, non-leiderhosen item I’ve been able to find are these, which are unfortunately leather and don’t have sizing options. This one is military but can be ordered without emblems. No color choices though.

Still a good bit of room for improvement if anyone can think of something else to try.