What was the first show you watched entirely via streaming?

I’m pretty sure for me it was Eureka.

It was circa 2010. I’d just gotten a new smart TV, and my family came to visit for Christmas. My sister logged into her Netflix account on my TV, and never logged out*. This was back before they had their own original shows, just a collection of shows that had previously aired elsewhere, where you could watch shows you missed when they first aired or rewatch old favorites. I decided to check out what they had available, noticed they had Eureka, a show I heard positive things about but never watched on cable. I didn’t binge watch it, but ended up making a habit of watching an episode every weekend, until I’d gotten through all of them.

*I have since gotten my own Netflix account that I pay for.

Probably the first season of House of Cards. If you want a whole show, Breaking Bad. (I never finished House of Cards, and anyways I finished Breaking Bad before the latter HoC seasons came out)

Hmmm. If you mean watch the entire run regardless of age, that would be the original Twilight Zone. If you meant exclusively streaming, Longmire.

House of Cards. It was the reason we got Netflix; my wife was a big Kevin Spacey fan in those days.

In case it wasn’t clear, I meant exclusively steaming. In other words, you only watched the show via streaming; you never watched it when it aired on TV (if it ever aired on TV). If you ever saw The Twilight Zone on TV before you watched it on Netflix, it doesn’t count.

I’m not sure how to answer the question. The only non-sports TV shows I’ve watched in the past 20 years have been on DVD. That’s how I caught Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, The Wire, Mad Men, The Sopranos, etc.

However, when watching the Olympics I saw and ad for a show called “Dr. Death” on a channel called Peacock. I used my TV remote to watch all 8 (?) episodes and enjoyed it very much. Was that streaming? I watched it on my TV set. I guess it was, since I ordered it on demand and not live first aired.

So I guess that’s my answer. The one and only show I’ve watched streaming is “Dr. Death.”

My one and only is The Mandalorian. I don’t have any streaming services, but a friend does, and wanted someone to binge-watch with, since he’d heard it was a good show (it is). We’ve now finished the first two seasons, and will presumably do the same with the next season once it comes out.

Not streaming, but before that, I had a Netflix subscription for a while, back when it was primarily based on sending DVDs through the mail. I watched all of Avatar: the Last Airbender and Farscape that way, and the first two seasons of The Big Bang Theory. I’ve never seen a full episode of any of those broadcast or in any other way.

The Mandalorian, for me, when it first premiered on Disney+ in late 2019.

Since then, I’ve watched several other series on Disney+ (WandaVision, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and Loki), and The Expanse on Amazon Prime (I had not watched it when its first few seasons were on SyFy).

It’s hard to remember. There were a number of series that I started out renting the DVDs for and finished up later seasons when I got Netflix, my first streaming service. I didn’t get NF until I moved to my current house in 2015 and got fast internet.

Maybe Westworld (I have since added HBO and Hulu) It was one of the first series that I streamed that I’m sure I hadn’t started on DVDs.

Yes, Boomer, you were streaming. (Ha, sorry, couldn’t resist… I’m probably older than you!).

As a Boomer myself, I suggested to my (Millennial) daughter that we install this new “app” thing called Netflix and watch the pilot episodes of a dozen shows that we’d heard good things about. We’d take turns picking a show until she had to go back to school…

Well, that didn’t work. Our first try was Arrested Development, and we both loved it, and binged the first season.

It felt like cheating to not have to wait a week to see what happens next…

I’m not sure, but…maybe Netflix’s Daredevil? At that point, I still had cable, and pretty much just watched series in their first run, and there weren’t that many streaming originals yet.

Does Bravest Warriors count as streaming? It started as a webseries on the Cartoon Hangover YouTube channel, then got picked up by VRV for the last two seasons.

If not, then the first season of Infinity Train on the Cartoon Network website. It later moved to HBO Max, so I haven’t seen any subsequent seasons.

If neither of those count, then The Mandolorian on Disney+

Actually, I should maybe correct myself, here: I also watched all of Masters of the Universe: Revelation with a different friend. But that’s only five half-hour episodes (so far), so it hardly seems fair to call it “a series”. About as much as a single movie.

Doom Patrol, followed right after by Titans.

I’m pretty sure it was Mad Men.

Broadchurch. Infinitely superior to its feeble American knockoff Gracepoint.

Oh crap, I never finished Mad Men, but I think I did stream it before House of Cards. And I’d never seen it on TV proper beforehand.

I also streamed Psych all the way through before HOC but I’d already watched many episodes sporadically on TV.

You know, now that I’m really thinking about it, it seems absolutely insane that just 7 years ago I was barely streaming anything at all. Now I don’t watch anything that ISN’T streamed.

Transparent on Amazon Prime in 2014. I was recovering from surgery and got Prime just to watch this show.

I just remembered Grace and Frankie, on Netflix. I think I’ve not seen every episode, but I watched it exclusively streaming, and it was before I watched The Mandalorian.