What was the first thing you purchased on Amazon?

September 16, 1998
Color Scanning Handbook : Your Guide to Hewlett-Packard Scanjet Color Scanners (Hp Professional Books)

still got that book somewhere. All my orders in 1998 were for books. 1999 was books and three movies on vhs.

It actually was. You play as a security guard caught in Black Mesa when the breach opens and you have to work your way out of the facility past the aliens and military. I remember thinking that it was too short, but that seems to be the way of DLC.

September 2002 - Kindred the Embraced - The Complete Vampire Collection. From the date it was clearly a birthday gift for my mom.

The earliest it’s showing is two wedding books ordered in December 1997 (I got married in June 1998, so that fits). But I don’t think those were really my first purchase from Amazon.

The earliest my account shows is from August 1, 2000: The Annotated Alice: The Definitive Edition, Lewis Carroll, et al. (Martin Gardner)

I don’t remember if there was anything earlier.

The first thing I ordered on Amazon were…fumetti (italian porn comics from the 60s-80s) that I had enjoyed reading during my childhood (stolen from elder brothers), half out of nostalgia, half out of curiosity (I wanted to know when exactly I was reading those). I was surprised to see how tame and badly drawn they were.
I never bought anything else on Amazon, so it was easy to remember.

The FairTax Book by Neal Boortz in 2005.

I bought nothing via Amazon in 2008. My order history has picked up since then.

May 31, 2000: HTML 4 for the World Wide Web, Fourth Edition : Visual QuickStart Guide

It was November 8, 2003. I ordered two books of poetry by Billy Collins, Sailing Alone Around the Room: New and Selected Poems and The Best Cigarette.

My current account only goes back to 2006. I’m pretty sure I was shopping Amazon a few years before that. I really wasn’t really brave enough for ecommerce until something like 2003 at the least. I bought “Microsoft Office Access 2003 Step by Step” for an job in Feb 2006.

I’m certain I bought and sold a few books on Amazon well before that though. It was probably an old account. I do that a lot. Like this account, I took some time off, forgot about it, had the info written down somewhere and chanced upon it. (edit: not to say that I used a different account, because I didn’t, I just took off multiple years before logging back in)

According to the list, August 29, 1999 - a VHS copy of Duran Duran’s Greatest Videos
but I’m fairly certain I bought used books from them before that.

I can’t seem to run any reports on orders from before 2006. Bummer.

According to the website, it was a boxed set of season 1 of the Simpsons in 2001, but I remember when I bought books on Amazon before they really had anything else. I must have had a different account then.

Apparently it was “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” in 2000. Which I’m slightly dubious about, because I thought I’d bought from them earlier.

But, like so many of my Amazon orders that I’ve reviewed, my primary reaction is “Holy crap, it’s been *16 years *since Goblet of Fire came out?”. It’s surprisingly dismaying to see 15 years of purchases compressed into a list and realize how long ago they were made and how recently it seems.

For half the orders, I would have sworn that I made them like, yesterday.

Also, sort of surprising how few orders I made in the first few years. I’d make maybe two Amazon orders per year – some tools and four or five books. Then it stabilized at around seven or eight – probably after I got Prime.

I guess I’m a relatively late bloomer. My first order with Amazon was in April 2011, and it was to buy Heroes of Might & Magic 3 Complete.

One of my all-time favorite games still today. I tried the HD version on steam, but so much is still missing that I still fall back to the version I bought in 2011.

A copy of The Gashleycrumb Tinies, evidently.

According to my order history, my first order was on May 11, 2011: Professional Responsibility, Problems and Materials (University Casebook Series) 10th Edition, by Morgan and Rotunda.

I know that’s not it because that was my third semester of law school, and I bought at least one of my first/second semester casebooks on Amazon. I don’t have any previous order confirmations in my e-mail either, though they might be in my now-closed student e-mail inbox since I used that one to sign up (free Prime!)

Ah hah! Turns out I had another account under my student e-mail, so my first order was back in 2010.

How I hated those books.

I forgot to add, this was in 1998.

2002 - the Collector’s Gift Set of the Extended Edition of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, with the Argonath bookends.

I thought I was an early adopter, but not compared to many other posters in this thread.

My first purchase was August 2003, 3 Johnny Cash albums. At Folsum Prison, American Recordings, and Unchained.