What was the last Movie you've seen in a theater?

I did some digging, it looks like my last movie at the movies was forgettable indeed and very disappointing. May 19, 2019 I saw Tolkien. Hard to believe I’ve went so long.

It’s funny, you’d think I would have seen more films with many releases going digital this year, yet I ended up seeing way less than normal. I think the biggest problem was not seeing trailers so I really didn’t stay informed with what was coming out and when and on what platform. I really enjoyed the whole moviegoing experience, I almost feel like it’s more effort to watch at home because there are so many distractions. I have been doing a weekly virtual movie night with friends, and we’ve been going through several of the Golden Globe nominated titles.

Downton Abbey, the movie, in October of 2019. It was okay.

‘Dunkirk’ back in august of 2017. The first movie I’ve ever seen in IMAX; and the last time I ever want to see an IMAX movie again.

My head is still rattling.

Emma on 3/6/20, preceded by 1917 on 2/1/20.

Saw TENET twice last year in the theatre.

IT Chapter 2. Was planning to see something else, later, then the plague happened.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. I saw it in the theater twice, once on its opening weekend in December 2019, and again a couple of weeks later (sometime in early January of 2020).

I think the last movie we saw in a theater was “Knives Out” at an AMC Fork and Screen.

That was the movie which was on my “I want to see that!” list when COVID hit, and going to the theater suddenly became a Bad Idea.

A local theater pre-pandemic used to play something a bit different one day a month. I saw a lot of terrific movies there. I think the last one was the Linda Ronstadt biopic, The Sound of My Voice.

The Personal History of David Copperfield. Really enjoyed it.

American Sniper late fall 2014.

I’ve seen previews of other movies that I wanted to see in the theater. It’s hard for me to get motivated to leave the house after dark.

I go home after work and don’t want to leave again.

Anybody got a list of the major pics released between, oh say late Oct 2019 and the time the theaters shut down in 2020? That’d help me identify my last movie or three at a theater . . .

Not 100% certain but odds are pretty high it was Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

CHiPs in April 2017.

Sonic the Hedgehog, about this time last year, for my birthday.

This was the last movie I saw at my hometown duplex before it closed down back in 1993.

The last movie I saw in a theater was Emma, on the day it was released, 2/21/2020. That was the last weekend before COVID-19 became something other than background noise for me.

I think I posted this in the Movies You’ve Seen Recently thread, but in mid-March 2020, I saw Bacurau (a tripendiculous film) on the last day before all movie theaters in LA county were closed.

I keep track, and my log shows that was the 33rd movie I saw in 2020 (and the last).

And before you get to believing I’m all about art films, the movie I saw just prior to this one was…Bloodshot

Do drive-in theaters count? I saw Tenet at a drive-in last September. I don’t recall the exact date.

If that’s disqualified, the last movie I saw at an indoor theater was Rise of Skywalker on New Year’s Eve 2019.