What was the last show you watched from series premiere to finale

Hm, probably something back in the 70s. I seem to remember watching The Magician fairly faithfully, andThe 6 Million Dollar Man [my brothers favorite show] and my Mother liked MASH so that might be in the running.

Since the internet, very little on scheduled tv - very occasionally a drama on BBC. I’m weird/phobic about adverts, plus the breaks ruin continuity for me so avoid commercial tv unless it’s on the iPlayer.

Maybe it was Borgen, or the original The Bridge.

Lost, goddamnit.

I think it was The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

Oh! I missed the last few episodes of Durarara—'still need to Netflix that one—but it was a close thing.

Not much interests me, anymore. Not enough to get invested. :frowning:


Lost. (I’ve said this before, I was impelled to watch. I saw a snippet describing the show in TV Guide, before it began, and I thought, “I have to watch that.” Not want to - ‘have to’! I just knew.)

Avatar, The Last Airbender. Seriously, I haven’t watched TV regularly in more than a decade, but this was on and my kid was watching it (The Blue Spirit ep.), and I was hooked immediately and we watched it together until it ended after 3 seasons. I did miss the first dozen episodes of season 1 though, and had to wait for reruns to catch me up, but we saw the next 47 episodes after that faithfully.

Would be Breaking Bad. Next will be Treme and probably Mad Men or Parks & Rec.

Probably a season of Survivor or Amazing Race but I couldn’t tell you which one. I resisted timeshifting them longer than everything else mainly due to the post episode discussions :wink:

But neither has had a series finale yet.

Excellent point. I guess I don’t think of them as having a season to season arc.

Maybe West Wing but I’m certain that I timeshifted at least some episodes.

I don’t have a memory good enough to answer this question is the real answer I guess :frowning:

Oh, crap: Survivor. Forgot all about that one. 20+ seasons now. I missed season 1, then got talked into watching season 2 with the wife, and we’re still going. I used to only start watching when the tribes merged because there were too many players to keep track of, but gave that up eventually and watched from beginning to end, for years now.

No time shift? No show ever. With DVR’s there’s no reason to watch live TV.

Allowing for same day or next day watching, the shows I followed from premier to finale: (or am still following if it’s not over yet)

Game of Thrones
The Office
Modern Family
The Walking Dead

Now that I think of it, I don’t even think I watched TNG right from the beginning. I believe I came to it a few weeks into season one. If it wasn’t that, it was probably a mini-series. The last one I can remember watching that didn’t go on to be a regular series was The Stand. Or Ken Burns’ Baseball. They were about the same time, I think. Of course, many years later, The Tenth Inning came out, which I didn’t want live OTA.

ST:TNG was originally aired as a first run syndication, so days, times, even channels could have changed in someone’s locality.

Besides my moving, I had to look for TNG on different channels twice. In one market I lived in, it went from being on a local Big3Network affiliate to a UHF channel of some brand and then back to the local network affiliate but at a different day and time. all during its first run.

I still managed to see each ep during the time TNG was being produced, tho, after I watched the reran shows offered between each season. So, I guess I’ll add TNG to my list.

OK. Not so strict. Missing an episode here and there or VCR/DVR’ing a few episodes still counts. No Netflix binging, though. If you made a point to be at home Xday at X o’clock for a certain show, go ahead and list it.

Holy crap, you are right, it started the first spring we moved to CT :eek: We had gone to our first SCA local event the month or so previous and had met a few nice people and the first time we had them over to dinner it was on TV and we watched the premier episode while cooking.

Damn, I am getting old. Everybody get off my lawn.

I don’t think I’ve ever watched an entire series beginning to end in real time. How is that even possible? Surely there were some Thursdays or Sundays when you had an emergency, visitors who wanted to watch something else, dinner ran late, there was a school play. ?? Seriously?

I can believe it for a one-season series, but even that’s a stretch.

The closest I can come is Deadwood, but since it was on Sunday competing with football, I’d watch the later viewing.

If we’re talking shows that have definite endings, then probably Arrested Development for me. Also, I trucked through all of Terra Nova and Last Resort for reasons I don’t know.

Still have a few episodes at the start of the final season of Futurama to catch up on, and I still need to finish Breaking Bad, but those should happen soon.

If we’re talking shows without definite endings, then Game of Thrones, Archer, Falling Skies, etc.

If we’re not counting DVRing and/or videotape timeshifting a significant chunk, then it would have to be ST:TNG. Everything since then has been videotape timeshifted and/or DVRed in greater or lesser proportions.

What’s the point in watching it live if you have a VCR that you know how to use or a DVR?