what was the last thing you read in the bathroom?

For me it was “The Boogeyman” from Night Shift, one of my all-time favorites. And, yes, I stayed on the pot until the story was over…even after I finished my, um, business.

And you?

Um. A thread on the SDMB. I really love my iPhone.

My current bathroom browsing book is Pan American Clippers: The Golden Age of Flying Boats.

Hi, Savannah. My name is cochrane, and I read the Dope in the bathroom, too.

Is that TMI?

The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.

The SDMB, of course. It’s either that or Carcassone on my iPhone.

I read the Dope on the Throne, too. But I do it on my Android phone. Don’t need no iPhone here!!!

My usual read “on the throne” is the Asian Edition of Time magazine.

My current bathroom book is Los Genios También Pecan (Geniuses Sin Too), by Fernando Argenta. It’s a book of minibios of famous musicians, focusing on their quirks and personal histories.

Fernando Argenta’s father was composer Ataúlfo Argenta; his son Ataúlfo is a musician as well. Fernando retired from his job for Spanish National TV and Radio very recently: his programs and records have been a huge part of the Classical Music education of Spaniards for well over 40 years. He’s absolutely great with children and wonderful at explaining the most complicated concepts in a way anybody will understand.

Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader. I think Plunges Into History Again has worked its way to the top of the stack now.

Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe '89 tradepaperback

Just last night I read the cover story from Newsweek about the Android OS.

The Economist

Not meaning to be cute, I’d say it had to be the instructions on some product used in the bathroom. If I ever took something into the bathroom to read while I was “doing my business” it was so long ago I don’t remember it. It doesn’t take me that long!

I have never understood the whole concept.

Stretching the term “read” . . . These days I’m alternating between a book of sukoku puzzles and a book of NYTimes crosswords.

I hope that was a long time ago. :slight_smile:

I read the NYT Magazine every week on the pot. Sometimes the Book Reviews, too.

I have to read something. I’ll read the ingredients on the back of a shampoo bottle if necessary.

“Here I sit, broken-hearted…”

Someone had to

The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Volumes of collected letters make good bathroom reading, provided the writer has interesting things to say. They’re also best read with a hiliter pen handy, to catch the interesting observations and opinions and offhand remarks.

No Shitting in the Toilet.