What was this book that was read aloud to me in 4th grade?

When I was in 4th grade at Montessori school, our teacher, a balding Ronny Cox look-alike with a wonderful speaking voice, would read aloud to the students each day. I distinctly remember him reading a book to us, and I’m going to describe some elements of this book in the hopes that one of you can identify it.

The protagonist of the book is an overweight boy.

At his birthday party, there is one cake for the guests and one cake all for him, that’s how fat he is.

He is sent off to boarding school with a suitcase filled with fried chicken.

His roommate has a collection of Playboy magazines and does eye exercises every night.

He at one point takes part in an ice hockey game and (I think) falls through the ice.

Does anyone here know what this book was?

Sounds like “Beat the Queen,” a story that appeared in Sports Illustrated in December 1968. It looks like it was turned into a book named “Porko von Popbutton.” The author’s name is William Pène Du Bois.

The idea was that the kid became the goaltender on the hockey team because he was so large he filled the entire net. By the end of the game, the rink (a lake) was melting and the character saves the final shot as he falls through the ice.

Close enough? :slight_smile:

Yup, that’s it. Thanks!