What were your favorite lunatic theories on the SDMB?

I get nought but old movies here. Imagine my surprise when they showed The Caine Mutiny and I recognized it instantly from the Mad Magazine parody.

Naw dude. What you need is a four-dimensional ruler. Easy.

You totally missed the point! A measurement is only as reliable as the instrument that measures, but General relativity requires for the instrument itself to be effected by the space a measurement is taken in. If you believe that General relativity is an accurate description of the universe, then the mathematical language that you record and compare your measurements in for comparison, will not be able to describe the universe that General relativity theory suggests. Therefore mathematics is an inferior language to describe the General relativity universe.

@cladking Please come back and discuss your current theories. Thank you.

Who redefined all we know about how the Great Pyramid was built?

Also, did we have anyone here who claimed that the pyramids were built as granaries by Joseph?

That was Ben Carson; the only Republican presidential hopeful to post to the SDMB.

No, that would’ve required him to have an original thought.

He did?

I believe lum_s_husband is greening us.

I hate Discourse.

Supposing that mathematics is the inferior language, what tools DO you have to accurately, concretely express the nature of reality?

(Is it too late to tell you about the dimensionally self-correcting ruler?)

Is not the measurement still valid? If you use a ruler to measure the length of an object, then when this space is compressed or expanded the ruler still shows the same measurement of the object.

First, as we asked many times in my youth, what is reality?

I don’t know if he ever reached the SDMB, but a few years back there was an utter loon named C. David Parsons (and his wife) flooding internet comment sections with his insane ideas and promotions for his books. He had an opinion/“theory” on just about every area of science and culture, and planned to write a series of seven textbooks to be taught in schools everywhere, revolutionizing the world. He got so far as to self-publish pallet-loads of the first 2-3 books. Things he covered included:

Denying relativity.
Disproving atomic theory.
Decrying evolution.
Claiming that Earth is pretty much the only place where water exists.
Claiming that Jupiter is a solid ball and the colors are wind-blown sand.
Claiming that the Earth is composed nearly entirely of sedimentary rock, all the way down.
Renaming all the planets (and days of the week?) because the old names are pagan.

Lots of the old posts describing some of his ideas are gone now, but here are some (in the comments sections on the blog posts). If you read only two links, read the first one, an exceedingly gentle review tearing the books apart, and the Amazon reviews in the second link.



That’s going to depend if you need a bit of “schmoke” before the question makes sense.

(My previously-mentioned “ruler” is GPS, by the way. Just between you and me.)

I prefer enough to make the question seem cosmic, but I’d settle for funny. Can you believe that recreational use has been legal for better than a year and my daughter hasn’t brought me none?

That’s a question that science cannot answer, and philosophers have been arguing about for thousands of years.

Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world.

In our endeavor to understand reality we are somewhat like a man trying to understand the mechanism of a closed watch. He sees the face and the moving hands, even hears its ticking, but he has no way of opening the case. If he is ingenious he may form some picture of a mechanism which could be responsible for all the things he observes, but he may never be quite sure his picture is the only one which could explain his observations. He will never be able to compare his picture with the real mechanism and he cannot even imagine the possibility or the meaning of such a comparison.

      – Albert Einstein

“Every man’s world picture is and always remains a construct of his mind, and cannot be proved to have any other existence.”

      – Erwin Schrödinger

Speaking bad about Donald Trump on the SDMB was dangerous because if reelected he was going to send death squads to kill everyone who insulted him on the internet even in other countries like Australia.

Or the “perfect crime” idea where if Iran used a submarine launched nuclear missile to destroy New York City, if simply Iran’s leaders who authorized the attack resigned and put themselves under house arrest, legally the United States couldn’t do anything about it since waging war on a country that is no longer responsible for the attack is illegal.

Hollywood is such right wing propaganda that it only makes war movies about wars that America won.

Australia is the best country in the world because it has both beaches and mountains within driving distance.

A world where Nazi Germany wins World War 2 is preferable to live in than a world where Donald Trump is President.

People only criticize the Olympics in non-white host countries.

Yes it would, but, if the study of physics is the effect matter has in a 3 dimensional environment, one would have to be able to study the same matter in two different spaces and take a measurement of comparison in order to study the effect the matter had. This can not be accomplished due to relativity, so therefore mathematics is not the supreme language for describing the universe or physics. Anyone that believes it is, they are the true lunatics.