Well, Veej won the Chevron, the final event on the 2008 golf calendar. What on earth will I do to pass the time until the 2009 PGA season begins?!
You need to develop my seasonal golf “on/off” switch.
I completely lose my interest in golf around late October. Tiger Woods could show up at the door and I’d think “meh.”
I become completely obsessed with playing/watching golf in late April. I sneak to the driving range at lunch. I play until I can’t see the ball anymore in twilight. Brandt Snedeker could show up at the door and I’d think “SWEET!”
Entirely off topic, I’m exactly the same way with the NBA. I could care less until about May, at which point I start watching obsessively.
Maybe I could get a NSF grant to study myself
I’m consoling myself with a new Cobra driver. It’s supposed to be delivered today. The first decent day on the 10 day FOREcast is Friday so I won’t be able to hit it until then.
This is also the time of year when I get out the past year’s Golf Magazines and figure out new ways to screw up my swing.
Actually, in the case of the PGA it would be more of a “pause button!”
I’ve gotten better at putting the sticks away in November - around about February-March I really start jonesing! But hell, I had my putter out down in the basement yesterday and was pounding balls into a seam on the siding! Gotta improve my putting this year …
Last year I tried to arrange a pre-season weekend, but couldn’t get 3 guys to commit to the same time/place. And this year with all my accounts down and one more kid in college, I can’t afford it!
You don’t watch the Masters???:eek::eek:
Well, we do also have Carl’s Golfland to help tide us over. At least, that’s what I do. I’ve made very good use of the heated tees.
I’m about 50/50. I know…it’s weird for a golf nut.
LOUNE, Miles of Golf in A2 has heated tees, too. I’ve thought about making a few “take your medicine” trips there on days that aren’t too bitter just to keep my swing up. My heart won’t be in it, but it’ll save me having to reconstruct my mechanics from the ground up in the spring. Do the heated tees at Carl’s really keep you warm? The ones at MOG only soften the cold.
Actually, my interest in watching golf seems to peak right around the Masters.
I’m not a big fan of any other televised sports. Generally from Jan through Mar you have a decent tourney on the tube everry Sunday p.m. Staring out at the Chicago winter it is nice to realize that it is warm out SOMEWHERE!
First you start off with a couple of tourneys in Hawaii - the first one is generally pretty good as it is a limited invite. Then they all play the following week against whoever else took the flight over. Then they have the west coast swing followed by the Florida circuit - leading up to the Masters. Fun events with long histories at famous courses. Always fun to see the different players’ different strategies - when do they join the tour, who gets hot early, which rookies are the first to notch some high places…
Once April comes along, I’m more interested in getting myself out on the course as much as I can…
I tend to be one of those who follow most avidly from January until the Masters. I"ll focus on the major tournaments after that, but since baseball is in full swing, I don’t follow the PGA as avidly. Also, with many players limiting their play, that makes some of the summer events not as interesting.
Yeah, Miles has always been too far out to go, but the ones at Carl’s are rather toasty. Just don’t take your jacket off to swing and venture in front of them. It gets cold rather quick.
We are ass deep in snow and below zero wind chills. How can you think golf when the dog tracks in my backyard look like slot cars are running around?
Um…wanna go to Carl’s? We can go tomorrow.
Thank HEAVENS that interminable wait was over!
Yesterday evening my wife commented that she did not think there was anything to watch on TV. Oh yes there is, I was happy to inform her!
This is always a fun tourney, as all the competitors are the biggest names, and the course is so breathtaking.
As I look out my window at the horizontally blowing snow, it really helps to know that somewhere someone is playing golf in short sleeves!
So Veej is going to have his knee scoped. Willing to do anything to be like Tiger, huh?
Hey, if getting my knee scoped will make me play like Tiger, I’d do it in a heartbeat.
Would computer golf games help? Not being a golfer (though my father was), I’ve always wondered whether they are in any way useful for actual golfers, or whether they’re more for people who kind of like the idea of golfing, but can’t or won’t actually play the game in person.
Isn’t there a Wii golf game that actually takes you through the motions? (And if there isn’t, there probably should be one. Using real clubs.)
No. Driving range. Instructor. Now.
The Wii will not get you a better golf game. Practice will.
You should be beaten for suggesting such a thing.
Forget it. Had the left knee done a couple of years ago, and I think I’m carrying an extra stroke or 2 since before!
The one thing I can do over the winter is drill short putts to a spot on the wall. Gotta improve my confidence and performance inside 10 '!
Never been a big fan of domes - a necessity in these climes.
Improving flexibility would be another off-season thing that would pay off huge on the links.