Something I have been wondering for a year now is WWAGD? (What Would Al Gore Do?). How do you think things would be different as president? Better or worse?
How do you think our response to terrorism would have been?
The economy?
Something I have been wondering for a year now is WWAGD? (What Would Al Gore Do?). How do you think things would be different as president? Better or worse?
How do you think our response to terrorism would have been?
The economy?
Hm. Terrorism? Iraq?
The usual stuff any president does in a situation like that. I don’t think there’d be a Department of Homeland Security and a government restructuring as big as Bush’s was.
Military strikes on Afghanistan, probably not on Iraq; unless he managed -much more successfully- to get international support.
I am unable to say anything nice about Al Gore or a theoretical Gore presidency so I shall say nothing at all.
Bomb more Sudanese aspirin factories to show our total disdain for Islam. Also pull all military forces back within our borders as they’re hurting the enviroment by burning all that jet fuel and other non-renewable resources. Also, apologize to the world for the US being such a selfish and capitalist country.
Raise taxes on everybody. Noone is paying enough, because bigger government is the answer to all our problems. We need nationalized birth, childcare, medical insurance, prescription drugs, senior care, and burial. Raise the minimum wage to $20/ hour. Also, elections have proven to be fallable, as evidenced in Florida. It’s time to do away with them and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat, but we can’t call it that… further details will be provided after we’ve abolished the bill of rights…
Well, it’s worth remembering that The Deaprtment of Homeland Security was originally Bill Clinton’s idea. I imagine that Al Gore would have created something similar.
Open up! Be honest! Tell us how you really feel!
And this would be different from George W in what way? :dubious:
I don’t wanna gush :>
I think he would rasie taxes and throw the clinton economy (yes it went into recession under clinton) deeper into recession. Put a tax on energy (gas, electricity), deeping the recession further. Start to ban all good stuff like SUV’s. All this cutback in oil consumption would piss off OPEC and they would cut output so prices would rise so we will be paying much more for oil and using far less, deeping the recession further.
There is some doubt that Bin Laden would have launched the attacks against NYC and DC, but if he did I would expect a non military response. Sort of a bunch of UN inspectors runnig around the hills of Afganastan trying to find BL and asking him why he did what he did and what we can give him to make him stop.
BL would be a guest of honor at some high level meeting where Algore argees for past US agression against muslems we agree to give up oil rights to ANWR and the Gulf of Mexico, All Satalites over muslem countries, the stragtigic petro reserve, stop arming Israel, ect. ect. We as a nation would be forced to give up many of our rights given to us in the constitution except we would still be allowed to kill our babies (don’t know where that ‘right’ is in the Constitution but it must be there someplace).
Would I really expect all these things to come about, No but I would expect some of them with Algore.
Exactly what is happening right now, except it would be the Republicans complaining that things weren’t getting done right rather than the Democrats.
k2dave, the Supreme Court called it the freakin right to privacy. Check up on Roe v. Wade sometime.
thanks Blackeyes, I was looking for the word abortion, and couldn’t find it anywhere in the constitution, I will now look for ‘right to privacy’ - I’m sure it must be in it.