My sleep deprived theory…
You need to get centrist voters who voted for Obama to switch, just energizing the conservative base is not enough, especially since the stuff that energizes the conservatives tends to scare off moderates. But you can’t get too liberal or the core conservatives will stay home or vote for some Tea Party muppet.
So you…
Pick the most centrist candidate possible. Preferably someone with good credentials in the areas of military. Obviously it should be a white male, preferably a bit older than Obama.
Pick one or more policies that are popular with or important to centrists that Obama has failed to deliver on. It does not matter that much if it’s not popular with core conservatives. My suggestions would be:
End DADT. If the candidate has military credibility this will be easier. The message could be something like “I don’t have to like their lifestyle choice, but I have to respect the committment that they’ve made to their country. Anyone willing to die for this great nation deserves that respect”.
Legalize marijuana. This should be easy really. You can make it about individual freedom or you can make it about how it will help the economy (allowing more taxt cuts!). Or you can just be honest about it and say that the scientifi evidence shows it is much less dangerous than alcohol, our prisons are over crowded with non-violent offenders and everyone smokes pot anyway.
Stay away from the stuff that will scare off centrists. Tend towards “It’s up to the state to decide” as much as possible. In fact, a decentralising message of more power to the states is probably a good idea overall.
Also stay away from the stupid “he’s a muslim/terrorist/communist” stuff. Attack him on mishandling the economy (too much spending!) and weakening your military power “We don’t negotiate with terrorists!”. Paint him as dabbling and a talker, not getting things done, but distance yourself from the right wing crazies.
Better ideas?