I also find it odd that people are assuming that it is “between consenting adults,” or “not violating someone’s rights.” That’s not what the OP said. It said:
Well, you asking, what about murder in a sexual context? Well, tricky situation. But, for the sake of ease of th argument, how about we say things that are purely, 100% sexual. I took the OP to mean things like pedophilia, bestiality, incest, etc… were ok, not neccesarily sexual murder, or hardcore violence.
If those things were both legal and not considered immoral, then I don’t think we’d go down into anarchy, as people do these things now, they are just secretative about them because they are taboo and illegal (in some cases, rightfully so, IMO.) Would the instances increase? I would think so, yes, and people would be more public about them,
“Hey Bill, what’d you do last weekend?”
“Fucked my horse, my mother, and my three year old.”
But the OP suggest two extrermes, one being that the inticement to do something taboo is now gone, and as such they amount actuallyldelcines, the other being that, since they are no longer taboo, the only incentive to NOT do it is gone, and so it will be done to the point of bringing down society.
Cleary, neither scenario is accurate, but I would say that, from out current position, we would stray a little towards the anarchy side, because I don’t see people who are already engaging in these acts stopping, yet I do see them doing it more, as well as new people starting them, who had previously not done them because of both society’s views and the possibility of it being illegal. However, I don’t see people who previously had no inclination towards these acts starting them just because they can, as such, society as a whole will still go on, just without and Law and order: SVU.