What would happen if Western terrorists bombed Mecca?

I got to wondering what might happen if say, someone’s spouse or child gets killed by Muslims in some way, and the surviving spouse or parent goes off the deep end and proceeds to somehow blow up a great deal of the Grand Mosque in Mecca during the Hajj.

What might happen? How would things play out? What would various governments do? What would public opinion in different places be?

You have a great imagination ! Mobilizing millions of hot headed young muslims to seek revenge against the west

I would be more fearful of Putin covertly planning such an attack.

Given their reaction to most things (i.e. naming a teddy bear) I’d say that at least several Islamic countries would do no less than declare war on whatever country the westerners were from. And, even if they weren’t actually from the US, they’d declare war on America too because they’d blame it on us regardless.

Five hundred dollars a barrel oil.

People who ought not would die.

Somehow I see Gene Hackman in the film adaptation.

As a student of history and terrorism, I’d say it seems clear that their president would become retarded.

It’ll be like Paul Atreides’ vision from Dune:
A mass of fanatic warriors flooding all of civilization. “They denied us the Hajj!”

or, you know, there’ll be a police investigation (maybe by Interpol), and any surviving perpetrators will be tried and probably executed.

It could go either way :wink:

Unless, of course, the perpetrator was a Jew. WWIII is what I’d expect then.

I would expect WWIII, but it would probably be over really fast. It’s not exactly like important Western military/industrial targets are easy for Muslim countries to attack. I can’t imagine how frustrated they would feel, being unable to really fight back against the people they blamed for the attack.

I don’t know what we’d do in response, though. How far would Western countries go in a major war against Islam? It would be like kicking a growling puppy that’s nipping at your heels. It just wouldn’t feel right to use a total war strategy and firebomb the living daylights out of them, like the previous world war wound up like.

geez, what a thought.

for anyone to want that kind of revenge makes them almost as bad as the hypothetical muslims who killed their family which you used as an example.

that’s like bombing an abortion clinic… if someone claims to be pro-life than proceeds to bomb a clinic with people in it - it goes against their pro-life belief system. I mean, although aborting a abortionist’s life, although ironic (heh), is meant to save unborn lives, it’s also wrong… two wrongs don’t make a right.

I could see this happening , except that Bin Laden would do it …and blame it on western terrorists. Al Quedah wants to overthrow the Saudi regime, and it views the saudi royal family as corrupt and evil. What better plan than this? Of course, how would anyone get enough xplosives into Mecca to do serious damage? I understand that security is preety tigh.

They’d be killed by a Hajji on the outskirts of town.

I can imagine that most of the fighting would be within Muslim countries themselves. That is, rioting and civil war and mutinies and coups as various mobs demanded that governments “do something” and that “something” proved insufficient. And of course, pogroms where westerners who were still present in those muslim countries were mostly lynched unless they could be evactuated.

I hate to rain on this parade but the premise is rather ridiculous.

Osama bin Laden and Vladmir Putin have no incentive to blow up the Mosque. What’s interesting is how ignorant of Osama bin Laden’s motivations and strategy people are when he is quite explicit and lays it out very plainly in his videos. This would not work toward his goal. His stated goal is to get America into a state of panic so that we spend lots of money on stupid projects and it hurts our economy.

From what I understand one has to have a recommendation from a Muslim Cleric in order to get the Saudi Government to sanction one’s trip to Mecca. Access is strictly controlled. Once in Saudi Arabia, one would have to acquire the explosives, meaning they’d have to deal with Muslim terrorists who have a vested interest in not seeing the Mosque blown up.

This wouldn’t be pulled off by America, because America wants the Saudi Regime in power because they put a check on Wahabi extremism and keep the oil flowing.

I have read arguments that if the Kaaba were successfully destroyed it would cause a crisis of faith in the Muslim world. One of the main arguments for why the Muslims are so pissed off right now is because of the shame that Dhimmi armies march all over Dar al Islam. It is an affront to Islam that we are so powerful in their land. To destroy the object of the Hajj would make them question the Will of Allah as they have been brought to understand it.

It is possible that the Muslim hordes would launch a sort of Crusade against Europe, but it is also possible that there would be a mass apostasy as the destruction is evidence of Allahs lack of protection over the Hajj.

Nuking Mecca is a more likely scenario than a terrorist bombing the Hajj.

I doubt that much would happen. We are already busy provoking the more reasonable Muslims, and the unreasonable ones can already be provoked by any random incident. The more reasonable ones wouldn’t care, since it’s obviously the result of a lone nut, and they already have perfectly rational reasons to hate us. The unreasonable ones are just looking for an excuse. If it’s not one thing, it’ll be another.

There’s be a flurry of rhetoric, some speeches by various politicians and religious leaders, and that’s pretty much it.

I doubt it; it’s been destroyed and rebuilt before.

The Kaaba has been destroyed? Cite?

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaaba:

As mentioded on Wiki :

Or just google “Kaaba” and “Destroyed” for a host of cites. It’s not some secret.

Edit : Beaten to the punch !
