What Would Hitler Do?...

…with all this attention.

Is there some unwritten rule on the SDMB that there must be at least 2 ongoing discussions about Hitler at any one time? Currently there are 3.

That fuck gets more press around here than JFK, and frankly I’m sick of hearing about both of them to pretty much the same extent.

What’s the fascination with that uber sociopath?
Yeah, I’m cranky this morning so fuck off. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hitler would hike up his one testicle and have someone shot. That’s pretty much how he dealt with everything.

How can you be sick of Hitler? Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Benghazi, and so on- those are all Exactly The Same as Germany 1939. If we forget, history will repeat itself. And that’s why we need a $1 trillion military budget, so STFU, prole, and cough up your medicare and social security. Also, no health insurance for you, because, HITLER! Also, black people can’t vote, same reason.

Speaking personally, I’d annex the Sudetenland.

Hey, somebody’s gotta take up the slack now that the History Channel is the Aliens, Rednecks and Pawn Shops Channel.

Give a lengthy speech, with lots of lectern-pounding?

Hitler. Adolph Hitler.

Argue with Richard Richard…

Sorry, wrong Hitler.

I don’t think there is much of a market for WWHD wristbands, though you might be surprised.

Lemon Curry?!?!?

Everyone always focuses on Hitler’s downside, but the guy was a people person and a hell of a motivational speaker. Also, a lot of yang came out of the yin of his adventures. There was an awful lot of yin, though. What can ya say? The guy was as close to an archetype as we’ve seen in a century. Him and Gandhi.

Was Hitler a racist?

Maybe we can kill two birds with one stone here…

And the obligatory… Vat a painter!

Counting or not counting this one?

Henry Hitler Thoreau?

IIRC wrote Lebenspond.

I don’t care what he does, he can’t have a Klondike Bar. Fuck you, Hitler.

I wonder. Does Dawson City have a saloon called The Klondike?

Fuck you, Hitler! You’re not allowed in!

Taking the OP seriously, evil is fascinating. The bad guys in movies/cop shows are always more interesting than a squeeky-clean cop.

If we were members of the Rebellion, our message boards would be full of Darth Vader threads:



• My family thinks Vader was “misunderstood like all Jedi”!

• Alderaan Deniers can kiss my ass.

• I think I’ve got that “Force Choke” thing down…
[moved from MPSIMS due to posters calling the OP a Jar-Jar]

• No, Grandpa, Lars and Beru weren’t “asking for it…”

• I paid good money for Jedi lessons and I never learned to “Force Choke Your Enemies!” as advertised. Was PowerOverAWeakMind.com a scam?

• Why does the History channel show nothing but Darth Vader newsreels in Black & White?

That’s AdolF!!

Now get up against the wall!

Remember the guy who started a GD thread about how he wanted to learn to be a great public speaker by modeling his speeches after Hitler’s? That was some good times.

This guy?

Public speaker, or performance artist?