News item : British army loses an inflatable tank when it flies away in the gale wind. Asking for public help to find it.
So - what would you do with an inflatable tank if you had one?
Use it as a pool toy?
Fill it with helium and tie it to a cord to float above your house?
Me, I’d get a picture of myself lifting it above my head…
Fill it with helium and tether it to my “No Tresspassing” sign
Or, partially deflate it, photograph it, and e-mail the results to my freinds, complaining about how hot it is here. Would work best in the summer, of course.
Put it in a local park and ask if tanks are native to this area.
I’d run over a bunch of inflatable Iraqis.
I’d invite a group of friends over and we would take turns batting it around in the yard.
It would be especially fun because I live on a very busy road.
I would turn it into an inflatable tank-shaped car cover and park anywhere I damn well wanted.
Put it in front of the inflatable National Guard depot!
October 31, 2002, 6:00pm
I’d sit on it in the community pool and just wait for some kid to piss.
Forgetting our oh-so-important medication, are we? You need strong chemicals, slortar . :smack:
I would use it to shoot my inflatable girlfriend for cheating on me with that helium tank.
[slight hijack]Congratulations Uncle Bosda . May you lap the other contestants in the favorite relative race.[/slight hijack]
Hmmm. Thanksgiving Day, New York, the Macy’s Parade will never be the same.
November 1, 2002, 2:42am
Turn it into a Halloween costume.
Use it to keep my parking space while I was away.
November 1, 2002, 3:10pm
*Originally posted by Bosda Di’Chi of Tricor *
Forgetting our oh-so-important medication, are we? You need strong chemicals, slortar . :smack: **
Sadly, the chemicals are part of the problem.
November 1, 2002, 3:48pm
Fill it with helium and walk it like a dog, talking to it in a coochie coo voice and asking if it was hungry.