What would YOU do with an inflatable tank?

News item: British army loses an inflatable tank when it flies away in the gale wind. Asking for public help to find it.

So - what would you do with an inflatable tank if you had one?

Use it as a pool toy?

Fill it with helium and tie it to a cord to float above your house?

Me, I’d get a picture of myself lifting it above my head…

Fill it with helium and tether it to my “No Tresspassing” sign

Or, partially deflate it, photograph it, and e-mail the results to my freinds, complaining about how hot it is here. Would work best in the summer, of course.

Put it in a local park and ask if tanks are native to this area.

I’d run over a bunch of inflatable Iraqis.

I would blow it up.

I’d invite a group of friends over and we would take turns batting it around in the yard.
It would be especially fun because I live on a very busy road.

Conquer france!

I would turn it into an inflatable tank-shaped car cover and park anywhere I damn well wanted.

Put it in front of the inflatable National Guard depot!

I’d sit on it in the community pool and just wait for some kid to piss.

Mmm…inflatable tank sex…


Forgetting our oh-so-important medication, are we? You need strong chemicals, slortar. :smack:

I would use it to shoot my inflatable girlfriend for cheating on me with that helium tank.

[slight hijack]Congratulations Uncle Bosda. May you lap the other contestants in the favorite relative race.[/slight hijack]

Hmmm. Thanksgiving Day, New York, the Macy’s Parade will never be the same.

Thanks, Ol’Gaffer! :slight_smile:

Turn it into a Halloween costume.

Use it to keep my parking space while I was away.

Sadly, the chemicals are part of the problem. :slight_smile:

Fill it with helium and walk it like a dog, talking to it in a coochie coo voice and asking if it was hungry.