Pitbull goes nuts on folks in barbershop and doesn’t care at all. Every time I watch this video I see new things.
I’m calling staged - that doesn’t look like an enraged pit bull, that looks like a puppy playing and people playing along.
The dog’s clearly just playing. His head’s up, his ears are perky, his tail’s wagging - he’s having a really fun time. There’s a point, about 1:15 seconds in, where he’s just standing there looking around, tail wagging before going to jump up on someone who just pushes him away.
Notice how this “killer dog” (who weighs, what? About 30 pounds?) doesn’t actually bite anyone? Even that turkey in the white t-shirt who’s bent over, slapping at the dog with alternating hands? A genuinely attacking dog could torn his throat out or even just latched onto his legs.
The people in that video should be seriously embarrassed.
It’s definitely not staged. Sadly it will get euthanized. Pit bulls are good dogs if the owners train it right.
Here’s the news report.
That might have been a perfectly normal dog trapped in a small space with a bunch of idiots. Was anybody hurt? It didn’t look like it. The tape makes impossible to see who freaked out first.
What would I have done? I’d have been killin’ me a dog, that’s what.
I agree. The dog probably was not properly trained in good manners by its owner, but it doesn’t look to me like he is trying to attack in that video. If he wanted to take down that idiot who kept slapping at him, he could have. To me this video seems like a bunch of people who don’t understand dogs overreacting, which is not at all unusual when it comes to pit bulls unfortunately.
Bizarre. I was expecting to see some blood and guts based on the OP. All I saw was a happy dog playing around.
Is it me or did all of the people involved, most of all the owners, seem to have roughly the same IQ as the dog?
A dog raised badly by irresponsible and stupid owners + morons who freak out and don’t realize the dog is just playing = dog getting killed.
The news show looked like a parody of alarmist journalism.
This is a dog who ran away from home and made the unfortunate decision to walk into this shop full of idiots, seeking refuge from his idiot owners. He doesn’t look like a bull terrier to me in the first place but the video is very blurry. His snout looks much to small in proportion to his head and if he is indeed a full grown male dog he is on the very small side of what is believable as a pit bull. Whatever breed he is, he certainly wasn’t presenting a danger to anyone in this video.
I still don’t rule out this entire scene being orchestrated to create a viral video and some local news station jumping on the chance to run with the sensational story. The people aren’t acting like people really being attacked by a dog, they are acting like people trying to make a video and keeping the dog on script. And the dog certainly isn’t acting like he is attacking anyone, hence the complete lack of actually biting anyone, showing teeth just one time, barking, or growling.
Grown men. I hope they are ashamed of themselves. I would have tried to restrain that puppy if I was there. Probably by getting a firm grip on his scruff. If it rushed me I’d knock it back with a hard knee.
It’s 100% the owner’s fault the dog will be put down. I didn’t see him to anything in the vid but grab those guys or their clothes playfully, but apparently he ‘bit’ three children before getting to the barbershop. A pit bull doesn’t even have to break the skin to get euthanized.
It didn’t look like it was attacking to me either but if it bit three kids along the way to the barbershop, I’m guessing it was.
I think it’s a little harsh to call the guys in the shop “idiots.” It’s a dog – it shouldn’t be attacking regardless of whether people are running around. It needs to be trained better than that or the owner needs to keep a better hold on it.
So the story goes. Even his owner is just automatically saying he doesn’t want the dog, no attempt to delay his execution until the very fishy video can be investigated. He even said he once “bit an intruder” but he hoped the dog had changed, as though he’s trying to build the case against his dog which is almost unheard of even when someone’s dog really did bite someone. It would be easy to have a few kids claim the dog bit them or goad the dog into actually biting them.
The whole thing reeks of an event staged for Youtube to me.
It wasn’t attacking. If it were, the idiot doing that windmill attack grazing his ears, while putting his face 5 inches from the dogs nose, would have lost part of his face. Or you would think he might at least growl at him or bare his teeth. That dog is confused, and hoping they are playing with him but not sure if they are attacking, and not sure what to do. IMHO.
The dog did seem to be wagging its tail. The barbershop probably thought the dog was more menacing than it actually was. Maybe the dog sensed panic.
That seems like a lot to stage for Youtube, based on the reaction time, the little kid/toddler getting thrown to the ground, and all the equipment thrown all over the place, including what looks like a DVD player getting knocked off a shelf. But I guess it’s all good now because the owner of the dog said he’s, “Very, very, very, very, very sorry. It wasn’t intentional. It was an accident.” Then again, these days people will do a lot to get a viral video on Youtube.
The most ridiculous thing done to try and stop the dog, was a the guy standing on the window sill who took off his belt and threw it.
It could be a shop full of people who are as hysterical about “pit bulls” as the media who covers these reports without doing any fact checking, and they responded to a playful dog that probably isn’t a pit bull with this bizarre scene. But there is a lot of money to be made in viral videos and plenty of wannabe’s vying for their chance with every bit of the same desperation as reality TV stunts. (some of which involve big budgets, casts of dozens, etc.)
In general a video of a dog attack involves a lot of contact between a person and a dog’s teeth. Once a dog has decided to attack it doesn’t run in playful circles like that and take the submissive “will you be my friend” stance like this dog does every 20 seconds. Videos of dog attacks would usually include a person trying to get away and a dog chasing them and biting them. That kind of defines a dog attack. It never happens in this video. The dog was merely present, while people ran in circles around it flailing and screaming. The dog appears to try to get out of the shop several times and keeps getting bounced back into the frame by forces unknown.
Something about both the shop owner and the dog owner strikes me as suspicious and not characteristic of people in their alleged situations. I can’t put my finger on it exactly (other than the obvious point that the dog isn’t actually being a threat to anyone in the video) but it just looks like a fraud to me.
I have no idea about the circumstances behind the video, but that dog is playing. Aggressively playing, but playing.
Yup. Dog is definitely trying to play. I would have tried to get people to stand still and then attracted the dog’s attention, hoping to get it to calm down.
My husband is a letter carrier and (like me) grew up with dogs all his life, so he’s used to dog behavior and reading their body language. He has some coworkers who never owned dogs, whose neighbors only owned dogs for protection or to look tough, and these coworkers are terrified of any dog, whether it’s being playful or menacing. I guess it’s possible the people in this video are like that, or believe that any “pit bull”-resembling dog must be vicious.
I don’t know so much about the ‘playing’… I saw raised hackles and a stiff tail. The dog may not have been all-out attacking, but what I saw as a life-time dog owner and someone who trained for an obedience club was a dog that was definitely showing aggressive tendancies.
Just as bad as the people who say all pits are blolod-thirsty killers are the people that say all pits are wuvable widdle snuggle bunnies. Neither statement is true, reality lies somewhere in the middle.
From what the video shows and the reports that the dog has bitten before, I say good riddance if it is euthed. There are too many sweet tempered dogs in need of homes to try to rehab an aggressive one.
PapSett, good eye there - I watched the video on a smartphone so I couldn’t see such a level of detail, but most of what I saw looked like aggressive play from an untrained/poorly-socialized dog. Not that such dogs can’t be dangerous in their own ways, of course.
With the number of people in that shop and how they must have had things like towels or aprons, some people might have tried to subdue it, using layers of towels to serve as protection. Otherwise try to drive the dog into a back room to confine it.