Whatever happened to 1980s "life extension" authors Dirk Pierson and Sandy Shaw?

Back in the 1980s, these two writers/researchers/biochemists were major champions of mega-vitamin therapy and other iffy propositions they claimed would radically extend lifespans and general health.

I recall a rerun of “Donahue” in which they hailed the magical properties of their Fountian of Youth cocktails, at which point an audience member bellowed, “If this stuff works so darn well, how come you two look so terrible?”

I did a quick Google. No answers. Are they dead?

Dear Carnac,

You are an idiot. The correct spelling is “Durk.”



(carry on, folks) :rolleyes:

Ditto. The last name is “Pearson.” :rolleyes:

Dear Carnac,

You are an idiot. The correct spelling is “Pearson.”

It’s just not your night. :smiley:

They’re still pitching their stuff out there: http://www.lef.org

Ah, I see you beat me to it! Well done.

There’s an interview they gave back in 1999, in their own house organ, mind you, with a picture: http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag99/july99-interview.html

Perhaps Durk lost some credibility when his hair turned gray.

Obviously he should have dyed it.

Still around. They’re both 71 and appear to be aging right on cue.

Pass the eye bleach.

I’ve gotta admit, they’re still alive, while many other people have died.

That’s proof of something, isn’t it? :wink:

Yup, proof that they are 71. Life expectancy in the USA is 78.7 years. So, nothing amazing. If I see 101 or something… OK. I had an aunt that had breats cancer that made it to 89. Grandma smoke and is in her 80’s. Soooo… 71 is kinda “what’ev”.

Didn’t you see his winky face? It was pretty obviously sarcastic.

Other than vitamins, what do these nutters promote? Exercise…vegetarianism…what is there deal?

Nope… I did not see the sarcastic smiley… my bad!