Whatever happened to April Fool's Day on the SDMB?

Is there something going on that I’m missing? I see no modified moderator names or titles, no temporary added forums or changed forums-nothing different at all.

Maybe that’s the joke?

There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man.

But I believe we can get there in my beautiful balloon.

Up, Up and Away!

It’s a bird!

Free Bird

Wonder why people have been walking up to you and kicking you in the butt all day?

I just attributed that to it being Tuesday.

Blame Obamacare ------- it’s big, it can take it.

There we go.

Jokes are always funniest when you request them and then point them out.

(waves lighter)

Yeah, that someone who goes around on April 1 pointing out to everyone that it’s April Fools Day is going to blow any joke anyone has planned.:wink:

The edict was scheduled to come out at midnight local time in each poster’s time zone. But one of the hamsters died, and the rest all refused to cooperate until the goat and the squid could be co-opted.

So, yeah, kinda slow off the mark.

It would be a lot more fun if you guys were pretending to enforce said rules, even if only randomly. (Heck, put that in the rules: all of this is subject to Moderator whim on whether to enforce or not.)

No kitten for you BigT.

Could I get, maybe, a snake? Or some other alternative pet? Easier to mail, quiet, doesn’t scratch the furniture. Not so cute, but this is all about the trade offs, isn’t it?

Maybe all the mods have grown up.

Sigh, it seems like only yesterday …

One minute after Czarcasm posted his pointer. Impressive.