Whatever happened to the Happy Heretic?

Judith Hayes, the Happy Heretic, had a website at either www dot happyheretic dot com, or www dot thehappyheretic dot com, but now one site is not hers and the other is nothing. What happened? I used to enjoy reading her monthly columns, but can’t anymore. Did she get out of the heresy business? Did her site get eaten by hamsters? Was she rubbed out by rabid fundies?


It was www.thehappyheretic.com. But it’s not there anymore. Eh?

Hang on, I have her e-mail address somewheres, I’ll e-mail her.

Ooh, that would be good. Thanks.

It’s been at least a few months.

Damnit, I’m having a hard time finding it. Will keep looking.

Found it! I’d send it to you, but you don’t have an e-mail listed.

Send it to nealtodd at comcast dot net. I’ll get it when I get home.