What's a good message board with a lot of Muslims?

I want to jump into the fray like we do here in GD and countless conservative websites, only with Muslims who more or less defend the Islamist viewpoint. In English, natch, which cuts it down a lot, but there’s bound to be something around like that.

Beyond saying that there are several muslims who post here, I ain’t got nuthin for 'ya. I suspect that there won’t be many muslim-oriented places for debate on the net as they would act like a magnet for any nut who wanted to yell at an “arab” (or Iranian, or malaysian, or NoA, or…)

That said, the local paper did a piece on Shahed Amanullah, who runs www.altmuslim.com/

It looks interesting to me, and seems more focused on what the average muslim on the street is interested in, as opposed to what the talking heads have to say.

MWU! Forums

You might find some heated debates here: Faith Freedom International

That site does not quite fit the description of “Muslims who more or less defend the Islamist viewpoint,” although I suppose that the actual Forum may see more of that.

And, of course, while everyone is free to participate in any net forum they choose, making a point to identify oneself as an SDMB member or, particularly, coming back to the SDMB with lurid tales of how odd/repulsive/misguided/whatever another board might be are seriously frowned upon.

Don’t worry, I won’t be involving the SDMB.

It’s just that there’s so little dialogue. American conservatives and Muslim conservatives talk past each other, lobbing intercontinental ballistic soundbites at each other with us elightened, progressive whatevers caught in the crossfire. I want to try my hand at etting under the skin of that particular side while being able to triangulate them and the Bushites.

So thanks for the links.

