Alternatives to the SDMB?

So, what alternative message boards are there that are set up for political debates and general questions, with a decent sized membership?

Kinda sorta, there’s and, but they aren’t entirely what I’m looking for.

Any suggestions?

One problem with finding an alternative is that most of the forums I’ve come across that have a more intelligent vibe are either political/religious/philosophical debate sites that are just giant versions of GD (Internet Infidels is a good example), or else they specialize in a very specialized subject matter that won’t be of interest to all Dopers (literature, physics, astronony, etc.)

I’d hang out at Fathom more, but the color scheme … c’mon, Opal! Unaboard is a well-run alternative with an intelligent SDMB-ish atmosphere, but traffic is moderate.

Related thread in MPSIMS.

Fathom? A google turned up no likely forums.

And what do I see when I open up the Fathom boards? The newest member is SDMB’s very own Brewha.

Powerline’s forum is mostly thoughtful conservatives. Very polite, no flaming, different points of view tolerated.

They have several different forums (or is that fora?) One of them is General Discussion.

Just subscribing to this thread. I’m going to check out Unaboard.