I’m paying a friend-of-a-friend to stop by my house daily, over Christmas, to service my cats, as it were. His duties will include scooping the litter box, possibly changing the litterbox (once), feeding, watering, checking on things, and hanging out – petting/brushing/playing for an hour or so. Not to mention running the heat for awhile, so the place stays marginally above chilly.
So how much do I pay him per day? He doens’t know, and I don’t know. I’d think of it as an hourly rate, if he’s here for an hour, but he’ll have to travel a few miles to get here, and might even need to take the bus. Opinions sought.
My pet sitter charges $16 a visit for two cats - if I only had one, it would be $14, the same as she charges for a dog walk. I’m in the Chicago suburbs. Some places are slightly cheaper, but she’s very reliable and has been doing this for me for over 10 years.
My stepson’s friend took care of our animals for us over Thanksgiving.
We took the dogs with us, so he took care of 2 cats (ours plus my parents’ which is staying with us), an iguana, a bird and a fish tank.
He really only had to check on the food/water levels for the cat and bird and fill when necessary, the fish got a pinch of food a day and the iguana a bowl of food and some water every day.
No litter box cleaning. No hanging around playing with the cats.
CAll a couple of cat-teries ( or whatever they are called) and get an idea of a price.
What your friend is doing for you is wonderful.
We’ve kennelled our dog ( 88 pounds of Labradorian Goodness) a couple of times and not only is it expensive ( $16 -20 per day, plus more for playtime/walks) every freaking time she came home sick with kennel cough. ( despite the fact that she was perfectly healthy and shots up to date). The vet bills cost more than the stay and the stay, after a week, wasn’t cheap.
So, if you, your cat and your friend work out in this agreement, I would definately treat your friend well to keep his services around for the long haul.
Which this reminds me to get a gift certificate for the neighbors who so wonderfully watch our dog for us at the drop of a hat.
We pay $15 a day for a one-hour visit. (It was $12 until gas prices shot up and she had to raise her prices.) This visit includes playing with the cat (if he’s up for it) feeding him, cleaning his box, bringing in the mail, watering the plants as needed and sometimes running the sprinkler or turning on the heat/A/C if needed.
Shirley, has your dog been vaccinated against bordatella? You know, the drops up the nose? Those are only good for six months with most vaccines, so your labby boy might be as up to date as you think. If a place is letting your dog board without proof of recent bordetella vaccination, it’s not a place you want your dog to stay, as Og only knows what other corners they’re cutting.
As for reasonable rates, I tend to adjust my charges based on who the owner is, how many animals I’m dealing with, and how far I have to travel. For a good friend, it would be free, regardless. In the situation you’re describing, multiple cats, house-sitting duties, I’d probably charge $10-15, depending on how many cats there are and how far across town the place is.
I used to cat-sit for my friend’s mother whenever she went away, and I would usually get $20 for a weekend of walking next door, feeding, litter-box-duty, and a little playtime.
Of course, the woman had 40 cats (and I knew every one of them by sight!), so I think I maybe should have gotten paid a little more.
For a friend 10 bucks a day is a good price. That what we usually pay our friend. You could maybe go for 15 since it is Xmas or bring him back something nice…say his own bag of catnip???
I think it depends more on your social life than on the cat duties. Is the friend-of-a-friend somebody you socialize with? How embarrassed would you be if he offered to pay you ,say, $15 , for helping him out with some chore?(Suppose he moves house, and asks you to help him unload the truck). Will you become better friends by having him inside your house every day while you are gone, and will you invite him over to visit when you return? Instead of paying him maybe $100 ,you might want to pay with something other than cash, or in addition to the cash…Tickets to a sports event or theater, a meal at a fancy restaurant where you pick up the tab. These are worth as much as the $15 a day that people are suggesting, but they are classier, and can enhance a friendship.
Paying cash is okay for babysitters, for the neighbor kid who tends your garden, or professional pet-caretakers. But if your asking a favor from a casual friend, cash seems a bit awkward.
Well the thing is, I don’t know this guy at all, and he’s not a professional cat-sitter or house-sitter. He was referred to me by a friend as trustworthy and willing to do this sort of thing … but my friend has him housesit in a BIG house, and probably pays him very well indeed.
I’ve met the guy, but only in his capacity as bartender at my friend’s parties. Apparently he is broke enough that he takes any sort of job – which makes my rich friend a much better patron than I, I’m sure.
I’m thinking some sort of handsome hourly rate – INCLUDING travel time. We’ve already agreed on a minumum of $20 a day, which I have stressed is negotiable as we work out the duties, the amount of time involved, etc.