What's green and purple and hangs on the wall?

I want to do some artwork for my apartment. In general, I would like to match the color of the art to the decor in the room.

For the bathroom (cream-colored tiles, maple trim, indigo shower curtain, indigo bathmats) I want to do a picture of a statue carving itself out of a block of marble. For the dining room (maple table and chairs with a standard tablecloth of tropical blues and greens decorated with fishies), a tropical beach. For the living room (dark blue sofa with multi-hued farmhouse pattern and walnut trim, wide crimson throw rug, and a second-story window looking out into evergreens), I want something that is strong red-green-blue. The kitchen has maple countertops with moss green tiles, but no wall space for artwork.

What puzzles me is my bedroom. The most prominent things in it are my computer desk (black and brown), piano (black and white), bed (white headboard), and bookshelves (brown). I only have two sets of sheets and blankets for the bed: a wine-colored violet, and a sort of mint green.

What can I put on the wall that is comprised of violet and green? I’m thinking night-time seascape, but that’s so hackneyed. :slight_smile:

I’m voting for this.

You’re welcome.

A field of irises.
A free-form design.

I’m totally stealing that image for an avatar for another board. What’s he supposed to be?

Well, you could always make your own painting. Something abstract would be easy to copy, in the colors you want. A professional might be able to look at it and say “an amateur painted this!” but the average person can’t tell one abstract painting from another.

His name is Chode.

Hmm, vineyards! Bacchus, perhaps, would be a good figure for that.

A suffocating environmentalist picture hanger

I’ve seen lots of wall hanging quilts in those colors.


I loved the first season of Tripping The rift, but it’s been downhill since Gina Gershon left.

I came across this the other day while tripping down Internet Lane. Perhaps you could play with it a little…

Well, that was very matter-of-fact.

Purple? Green?

The Joker!

The Incredible Hulk

I once had a t-shirt that said:

Good art won’t match your sofa.

Heh. Well, nothing matches this sofa. Except, oddly, the rug. And my walls are bare.

And I’m not talking about buying art … I’m talking about making some. :slight_smile:

Green and violet, huh? How about violets?

Holy crap. I like that. I’m surprised at how much I like that. My favorite part is either the trophy shelves along the french doors, or the fake hallway drawn just a little beyond that.

“What’s green and purple and hangs on the wall?”

Barney, after I shoot him and mount him.