What's happened to all the good cereals?

I just remembered one from my childhood that I haven’t seen in the stores (or the commercials for, thankfully) since: Cookie Crisp (?)

Whatever happened to them?

Corbomite, I remember Product 19 in a similar way. My grandmother used to always buy several boxes of cereal, the types varying depending on what was on sale, except for Product 19. I swear she thought it cured cancer or something and me and my sister would always leave it as the last box to be eaten, but our grandmother wouldn’t buy any new cereals until all the old boxes were gone. I have many memories of two morose kids eating it while watching the Mr. T cartoon.

I really miss BooBerry cereal. I know they still make it, but it’s near impossible to find. :frowning:

Everything tastes way sweeter than it did when I was a kid.

WOW!!! They still make it? I would drown bunnies to eat it again. It rocked.

The monster cereals have all gone to seed. Why, it used to be Count Chocula, Frankenberry, and Booberry were the three biggies, with Yummy Mummy and some Wolfman one in there as well. And then they got rid of Frankenberry (seemingly) and then Booberry (ditto), leaving only the Count.

Cookie Crisp still exists… I’ve seen it in the local market basket.

Anyone remember King Vitaman?

And Quisp? A glow-in-the-dark sticker which came in a box of Quisp adorned my bedroom light switch plate for years.

The cereals of today… they have crappy prizes, if any. I mean, come on. CD-ROMs? What ever happened to bouncy balls or ring pops? Damn kids.

Don’t blame the kids, blame the litigious parents. Nobody’s going to choke on a CD-ROM.

Cracker Jacks have the same problem.

Oh yeah? Ever see a kid try to wedge an AOL disk into their mighty maw? Them things get stuck, they do.

Damn parents.

Speaking of prizes… I also hate the ‘free with 5 proofs of purchase’ crap. Like I want to have to go through all that for some cheap toy :slight_smile: Besides when I was a kid my parents would always trash the boxes and not let us keep the required info!

Whatever happened to “Quisps?”

Anyone who thinks this is true just isn’t shoving the CD far enough down the little darlings’ throat:D

Trader Joe’s boxed cereals all taste like card board and kitty litter to me. I was about to give up on their cereals altogether but thought I’d try Trader Joe’s Maple Pecan Granola. Yum. Add some dried cranberries and it’s perfect. :slight_smile:

Have breakfast with the king!

I still buy King Vitamin.

But my favorite cereal is Cinnamon Puffins. Like little corny pillows. Ooh!



I still have Andretti and Petty race cars, a Thurman Munson 3-d card, a Reggie Jackson 3-d card and various other cut-along-the-dotted-line cards from cereal. I swear they used to put 45 (records) acetates in there and sometimes on the box.

Always, with me and my brothers, the box was open and cereal was poured and the prize plundered. “It’s a fruity pebble boulder!”

“Cocoa Crisp: part of this complete breakfast”: bacon, two slices toast liberally buttered, glass of OJ, and your first bowl of CC. Eat till the roof of your mouth is like a carpet.

Hell, I must be boring. I prefer Total. With a splash of pure maple syrup for a sweetener.